Monday, May 22, 2023

VIDEO: Explaining Walt's "strategic withdrawal"

Thank you to the readers who have contacted us to ask why Walt has "gone to ground", so to speak. Walt has been hanging in (right here) since 2013 fighting in whatever small way he can the world's descent into the hell that is the New World Order. 

At the moment, we seem to be on the losing side -- "the wrong side of history" as the liberals say. And the hope that ordinary, normal people [Are there any such out there? Ed.] can somehow escape or vote out the Great Reset becomes fainter every day. I am a coward, compared to people like Michael Matt, the Editor of The Remnant newspaper, who speaks the truth in his latest video from the Underground. 


I have not the courage or the strength of Mr Matt. I hope to be left in peace to work out my salvation. I will pray that Almighty God will intervene to save His Church and our western, Christian civilization. For the moment, that is all I can do. If you can do more, go and do it. May God bless you and Our Lady guide you.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Walt's strategic withdrawal

Ed. here. I've advised our fearless leader that no new content = no readers. He says that he is switching to hermit mode, withdrawing from the world as much as possible. Foir 13 years he has coped with the crisis of heresy and apostasy in Holy Mother Church, the fads of LGBTQ, BLM, MeToo and other leftist nonsense, and the persecution of the politcally incorrect. But the triumph of wokeism and transnaziism in particular is more than his blood pressure can stand. 

It appears (he writes) that there is no relief in sight for another 15 months, minimum. So farewell to all that. And (he adds)

From the rest of us here at WWW, i.e. Poor Len Canayen and yr obdt servant: Hang by your thumbs, and write if you get work.

VIDEO: PPC's Max Bernier will give it another shot

In spite of the ruination of their country "progressing" day after day of the Trudeau dicktatorship, the sheeple of Canuckistan don't think much about politics in May. Hey, the Stanley Cup playoff are on. But it's now officially spring, because the Leafs are out. So Canadians can now turn their attention to getting rid of the smarmy, smug and loathsome Blackie McBlackface.

The next federal election is not due until 2025, although it could come earlier if the pinko "New" Democratic Party gets tired of its role as Trudeau's bitch. However, there is a vacancy in the riding of Portage-Lisgar, a Manitoba seat previously held by Conservative Candice Bergen, who resigned in February. That means a byelection must be held not later than August. Yesterday, Maxime Bernier, erstwhile leader of the People's Party of Canada, became the first to throw his chapeau in the ring. Click here to watch the presser in which he announced his candidacy.

"Mad Max" (as he is known affectionately, and Walt means that sincerely), says the vote in Portage-Lisgar will be a choice between him and what he called a "fake conservative". He told supporters in Portage la Prairie, that the area reminds him of his home riding, and urged them to make history by electing the first member of Parliament representing his party to "open the floodgates." "This byelection" he said "is the starting of a major turning point in Canadian politics!"


Portage-Lisgar, in rural Manitoba, is definitely conservative territory. In the last federal election, the PPC candidate there got 22% of the vote, a much better result than in most other ridings. The people of that area want a true conservative, M Bernier said, comparing his party to the former Reform Party. He has learned from that party's mistakes in previous elections, he said, and has no plans to merge with the federal Conservatives Cuckservatives. 

M Bernier urged supporters to join a political revolution and took shots at the Liberals, the NDP and especially the Conservatives, whom he accused of only caring about voters during elections. He also said Canada has changed dramatically for the worse in recent years, railing against what he called "the woke cult" and "moral and cultural degeneracy." He claimed that Canadian society has been overtaken by evil and "those who reject it are silenced and smeared as intolerant, racist and transphobic."

Canada badly needs a truly conservative voice in its politics and its Parliament. Walt wishes "Mad Max" all the best. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

True headline of the month

 The story itself turned out to be rather a damp squib. Thanks anyway to Agent 34.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

"Neal, you suck!"

Speaking to Nashville TV station WKRN about his recent stay at the Hilton Nashville Downtown, Texas businessman Pete Brennan said, "All my life you just have that sense of security, and that sense of peace, right? It’s not like you’re camping and you have to kind of keep one eye open. You have that security that’s yours, and when you close your eyes, you feel like you’re safe and you’re protected and it was a complete violation.

"I was just so, so shocked,|" he continued. "It was, 'Who are you? Why are you in my room?' It was almost like a dream, a sort of nightmare. It just didn't make sense. Why is this person touching me?"

By "this person" he meant Hilton Nashville Downtown's night manager David Neal, age 52, who was arrested on May 5th after he allegedly entered a guest's room to suck on his toes while he was sleeping.

The Nashville PD charged Mr Neal with aggravated burglary and assault in connection with the incident which happened on March 30th. The aging poove allegedly created a replica key card and used it to enter Mr Brennan's room around 5 AM.

The cops say Mr Brennan awoke from his sleep to find someone sucking on his toes and immediately confronted Mr Neal, who he recognized as an employee who had visited the room the day before with another employee to fix a TV issue.

Mr Neal's story -- and he's sticking with it -- is that he entered Mr Brennan’s room to investigate the smell of smoke. For some reason, he did not alert security to the odor, or make any formal report. He told the cops he had thrown away the duplicate key. 

The Hilton Nashville Downtown Hotel gave this statement to WKRN: "The safety and security of our guests and team members is our highest priority. We are working closely with the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department, and, as part of company policy, we do not comment on ongoing investigations." A spokesthingy for Hilton's corporate office told TV station, "The Hilton Nashville Downtown is an independently owned property and I cannot speak on the hotel’s behalf."

Should we stay tuned? Nah. 

Thursday, May 4, 2023

A timely message for the Florida Panthers

This afternoon, at 1900 EDT, the NHL's Florida Panthers face the Toronto Maple Leafs -- Sheldon Keefe's Little Spuds Hard to Peel -- in Game 2 of their Stanley Cup playoff series. Despite having won Game 1, the Panthers remain the underdogs. Walt hopes they will be mindful of this advice from a great sage.


And our National Sports (as long as it's hockey) Editor, Poor Len Canayen, adds:

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Dumb leaders chosen by... errr...

It is said that people get the government they deserve. How, then, to explain this?

It might be argued that the citizens of North Korea have an iron-clad excuse, in that they are not allowed to vote for their Dear Leader. But Canadians do have elections every now and then. So what's their excuse?

Thanks and a tip o' the toque to Agent 6.

VIDEO: If Brandon dies, this woman would become President

In these uncertain times, the Disunited States of America needs a leader who is able to think clearly and articulate his thoughts likewise. Crooked Joe Biden is not that leader. But, the Democrats (and the New York Times) would have you believe, it doesn't matter, because he is back-stopped by a Vice-President who will rise to the occasion when Brandon goes to wherever apostate Catholics go.

Here is his putative successor, Kamala Harris, speaking at a pro-abortion rally at her alma mater, Howard University, on April 25th. She urged Democrats to "stand and fight" against the evil Republicans’ "national agenda" to limit abortion rights, voting rights, and LGBT rights. Then she said this.


Clear enough? If you didn't quite get it, check out the transcript. What she said was "So I think it’s very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders for us at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future."

How's that for a shining example of authentic liberal drivel! Do you really want to take a chance on this woman succeeding the worst President simce Andrew Johnson?

Worth watching: "Brandon 'healthy' and 'vigorous' - LMAO" WWW, 23/2/23.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Victor Davis Hanson explains why the Dems are sticking with Crooked Joe

As I said a couple of days ago, I haven't been able to get excited about the next presidential election, even though it's a mere 18 months and 1 week away. Right now I have other things to think about, like: what happened to the Boston Bruins and the Colorado Avalanche?! That'll teach me never to bet on a sure thing.

Which is why Victor Davis Hanson's analysis of the Dumbocrats' 2024 election strategy makes interesting reading. Titled "The Crazy Contours of the Crazier 2024 Election", this piece appeared yesterday on the American Greatness site. Here are  a couple of Prof Hanson's very telling points.

A Jacobin crowd, whose agenda does not poll 50 percent on any issue, is now running the country. Joe Biden is its ancient, happy-face emoji. 

It has managed in two years to wreck the border, destroy energy autonomy, fuel racial tensions, create an entirely new cause of the aggrieved "transgender community", tank the economy, spike crime, and put America into rapid decline abroad beneath the Biden façade—and call it all "progress".

For the Left having no president at all certainly has its advantages. No one in the Oval Office is warning the socialists, "You guys are crazy and will cost me the election if you keep it up!" Instead, with no one in charge, everyone is in charge. 

As far as the Republicans, no one knows anything at this early stage and those who say they do know even less.

Click here to read the article in its entirety, and remember: no matter what the lickspittle media tell you, Brandon's re-election is not a sure thing... nor is the re-election of President Donald J. Trump.