Saturday, August 29, 2020

Speaking of CNN...

In my previous post, I said that no-one paid attention to Michael Moore's 2018 warning that Donald Trump would win the 2020 election because it was on the Clinton News Network. My point is that no-one takes seriously the bullshit that appears on CNN (or ABC, NBC, CBS... or, in Canada, the CBC) because everyone knows they put a politically correct liberal spin on everything.

That's the point of "14 Mostly Accurate CNN Headlines From The Last 6,000 Years Of Human History", posted yesterday on the Babylon Bee, your trusted source for Christian satire. I can't resist sharing this one, which was illustrated.

Click on the link to see the other 13. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Trump's gonna win... sez Michael Moore!

It may be remembered (although liberals, pollsters and the meeja would like to forget) that frumpy filmmaker Michael Moore predicted in October of 2016 that Donald J. Trump would win that year's election and become President of the United States. That was in his one-and-one-half-man stage show called Trumpland.

We posted an an audio clip at the time, but since it has mysteriously (?) disappeared from YouTube, we'll just repost this quote: "Whether Trump means it or not is kind of irrelevant because he's saying the things to people who are hurting, and that's why every beaten-down, nameless, forgotten working stiff who used to be part of what was called the middle class loves Trump."

But wait (as Vince Offer used to say), there's Moore! [Geddit? Ed.] Mr Moore went on to say "Trump's election is going to be the biggest 'fuck you!' ever recorded in human history, and it will feel good!" And so it did.

That was almost four years ago. Fast forward to September of 2018, when Michael Moore, while on the promotional tour for his film Fahrenheit 11/9, told CNN that President Trump is an "evil genius" who will be re-elected in 2020. Don't believe me? Click here to check out the story, which CNN cleverly buried in its Enteretainment section.

What? You'd never follow a link to the Clinton News Network. Don't blame you. Here's the best part. "Too many people in the summer of 2016 were so sure Hillary [Clinton] was going to win, saying no one is going to vote for this idiot. He could win again. I operate as if he is a two-term Trump. I have to. If you think any other way you are guaranteeing that whoever is going to run against him will lose.... I think the man is an evil genius and he was able to outsmart the smartest person ever to run for president...."

Of course no-one paid any attention to that warning because (a) it came from Michael Moore, and (b) it was on CNN. Now, with just over nine weeks to go before the 2020 election, Mr Moore has sounded the alarum again, only this time on his Facebook page. Here `tis.

Mr Moore cited a recent CNN polls showing Slow Joe Biden and Still-President Trump in a virtual tie in battleground states including Minnesota (where seven city mayors endorsed Mr Trump yesterday) and Michigan. A national CNN poll this month showed that Mr Biden's lead has narrowed, now standing at 50% to 46%. And this week a survey from the Republican-leaning Trafalgar Group found the two statistically tied at 47% in Minnesota, with Mr Trump narrowly leading Mr Biden in Michigan.

Of course the polls were famously wrong in 2016. But Michael Moore was right. Who ya gonna believe? Time to get your bets down while you can still get decent odds. Lifetime pct .982.

Barack Obama talks about absentee black fathers

Certain things are inevitable. One is that the "Reverend" Al Sharpton (erstwhile champion of Tawana Brawley) will be a featured speaker at any BLM protest. Another is that when I write an inconvenient truth about a prominent person of colour, a reader will call me a racist, bigot, yada yada yada.

This happened yesterday. Even as the Rev prated in front of the Lincoln Memorial about how whites just love putting their knees on black throats, a reader e-mailed me to complain about my statement, yesterday, of the fact that both ex-President Obama and Veep-wannabe Kamala Harris were raised by their mothers with little or no help from their absent fathers.

She (are you surprised?) accused me of perpetuating the negative stereotype of -- my words now -- irresponsible black dudes who impregnate baby mamas (of all races) and then bail out, leaving the mothers to do the best they can, on their own. Just as Barack Obama's mother did. Just as Kamala Harris's other did.

Dear reader. The "missing black father" is not a mythological creature. He is real, and watching from afar as his kids riot, loot, and shoot or get shot. How many reports have you seen on your local newscast in which the mother of a young black(ish) man who is either the perp or the victim weeps and tells the meeja that "he was a good boy, trying to turn his life around" etc etc, with the father nowhere in sight.

Before resting my case, I wish to put in evidence the chart at left, compiled by the National Center for Fathering. Click here to read "The Extent of Fatherlessness", which explains the issue in detail.

Let me leave you with the words of Barack Hussein Obama himself. On 15 June 2008 (a Father's Day), he addressed a black church in Chicago. According to Dr Randall Kennedy (in The Persistence of the Color Line, recommended yesterday), Senator Obama (as he then was)
"stated that 'in the African American community...more than half of all black children live in single-parent households,' and that 'too many fathers [are] missing from too many lives and too many homes.' Continuing, Obama declared that 'these absent black fathers have abandoned their responsibilities, acting more like boys instead of men.'"

Dr Kennedy (who is black) does not say that Mr Obama was wrong in what he said, nor wrong to say it, although he does suggest that there may have been an ulterior motive. Like what? Like preaching family values to black people to prove to white people that he was not the sort of trashy black who would leave his wife and children... or the country... in the lurch.

The facts about incomplete families in the black community are what they are. So are the facts of the lives of ex-President Obama and Senator Harris. I make no apology for pointing out the facts... just the facts.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Parsing the blackness of Kamala Harris

Make no mistake. The 2020 election, more than any election since the Glorious War of the Secession, is going to be about race. Nothing else. The notion that the US of A somehow became "postracial" with the election of Barack Hussein Obama is an illusion, or should I say delusion of the guilt-ridden liberals who are wilfully oblivious to the onset of a racialized civil war.

I have been thinking about the imminence of an us-vs-them war while reading Dr Randall Kennedy's The Persistence of the Color Line (Vintage Books 2011), a critical examination of racial politics and the Obama presidency. Dr Kennedy was Michael R. Klein Professor at Harvard Law School, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the American Philosophical Association. He is no "Uncle Tom", nor is he an African-American incapable of seeing any fault in any Black politician. His book, which I recommend, "offers an incisive view of Obama's triumphs and travails, his strengths and weaknesses, as they pertain to the troubled historyof race in America."

Dr Kennedy begins with an examination of Mr Obama's self-identification as "black" and "African-American" -- a claim from which (the author says) he rarely wavered in spite of the "birther" controversy and a life story far removed from the typical black "lived experience" (to use the current buzzphrase). The more I read about the ex-President's life history, the more parallels I saw with the back story of Kamala Harris, who is now being touted as the first "woman of colour" to run for the nomination of a major American party.*

Two weeks ago, in "What kind of 'American' is Kamala Harris", I questioned the Dem nominee's self-identification as "African-American". Even then, the (((controlled media))) and others fearful of Ms Harris being thought too black were pointing out that she could also be called an "Asian American", or, better, just a "woman of colour". Not really black, y'understand, just, errr, non-white. So let's do a comparison between the Veep wannabe and the Prez.

Like Kamala Harris, Barack Hussein Obama had a black father. Neither father was American. Obama père was African, from Kenya. Ms Harris's father was Jamaican. Both black fathers bailed out on their non-black partners when their progeny were just kids, leaving the baby mamas to raise the kids alone.

Thanks to the efforts of their mothers, both Mr Obama and Ms Harris spent some of their formative years outside of the USA, going to elite private schools where the majority of their classmates and friends were non-black. Unlike the majority of African-Americans, both went on to university and earned degrees in law. Arguably, neither of them had what talk-show host Tavis Smiley, quoted by Dr Kennedy, called "the quintessential black experience in America." Their "lived experiences" were unlike those of the majority of minorities who voted for them.

And yet, both Mr Obama and Ms Harris claim, with pride, to be "African-American". But here, according to Dr Kennedy, is the acid test, or rather the litmus test, which the Prez passes and Ms Harris... does not. Barack Hussein Obama married Michelle Robinson, a black woman. Ms Harris married Douglas Emhoff, an attorney who happens to be, errr, white.

Why is this important? The author of The Persistence of the Color Line (who, let us remember, is black) writes:
Given the dismal state of the marriage market for black women, the shrinking number of black married couples, and the perception that successful black men often marry outside their race, Barack Obama's marriage has won for him large amounts of goodwill among blacks. 

Lawrence Otis Graham, another African-American Harvard Law School alumnus, memorably highlights the importance he attaches to the marital choices of fellow blacks. Nothing that he and his friends regularly engage in "race checking", Graham confides:
We flip through glowing profiles in People, Ebony, or Business Week quietly praising the latest black trailblazer or role model. Then we look for what we consider the final determinant of this person's black identity -- that thing that will allow us to bestow our unqualified appreciation. We look for the litmus test of lyalty to the race: the photo of the person's spouse or significant other"

For some blacks, nothing was more important as a clue to Obamas's racial loyalty than his demonstrated commitment to "a sister". For them, few political images packed more of an emotional wallop than seeingr Obama onstage in the affectionate emgrace of his beautiful black wife and their two adorable children.

In a footnote (p. 81), Dr Kennedy asks us to "Consider the following observation: 'Why do black people love Obama? In large part it's because of the dark-skinned woman on his arm.... Had Barack married a white woman, hiw candidacy would've never gotten off the ground with black people." ... "He may only be half black but he is married to a black woman and his children are black. That says a lot to me because he could have married a white woman...."

Ed. had to search a bit to get information about Ms Harris's spouse. The Dumbocrats aren't exactly putting him out front and centre. It will be interesting to see how often he appears with their V-P nominee, and how his non-blackness... and her black(ish)ness... play out on the campaign trail.

* This is not true. Dr Kennedy points out (pp. 57-58) that Shirley Anita Chisholm, the first really black woman elected to Congress, presented herself as a presidential candidate in 1972. She never posed a real threat to the Democratic Party front-runners and figured only marginally at the convention that nominated George McGovern, who went on to lose to Richard Nixon.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

VIDEO: Poetic justice for an eco-warrior

It has been some time since we presented our coveted Wally award, given to the few TV commercials which really tickled the old humerus. Fact is, there haven't been many truly funny commercials made since the Dempanic set in. All the advertisers are busy virtue-signalling. I think if I hear one more spokesthingy for one more Fortune 500 corporation tell us that they feel our pain and are standing by us in this difficult time, I'm going to scream.

I'm tired of being reminded that Covid-19 isn't funny. Life isn't funny. Nothing is funny, any more. So let's look back a couple of years, to the good old days when ad agencies could get away with making something like this commercial for the Kia Niro, "the new game-changing hybrid SUV designed for versatility and fuel efficiency." [Send cheque by courier, please. I don't want it to get lost with all the vote-by-mail ballots. Ed.]

Monday, August 24, 2020

The real Erin O'Toole

Earlier today Walt told you how, after a truly painful exercise in voting by mail, Erin O'Toole came to be the leader of Canada's so-called Conservative Party. It may be remembered that in 2017 Mr O'Toole finished third in the leadership contested won by Andrew Scheer. The runner-up, by just 60 votes, was Maxime Bernier, who left in a huff [or a minute-and-a-huff? Ed.] to found the People's Party in Canada.

"Mad Max" said at the time that the Tories could not win under Mr Scheep's leadership, because they were offering policies which were no different than those of the Gliberals headed by Mr Socks. The choice, he sasid, was "Liberal or Liberal-Lite". He was right, and many Conservatives (except for some dairy farmers) wished in 2019 that M Bernier had been their leader, instead of languishing in right field.

Now the Tories have a new leader who, as Walt told you, could almost be a clone of Mr Scheer -- just another middle-aged white man of European descent, with a big white wife and two perfect children, like "the Happy Hydro family" from 1950s advertising. The only noticeable difference between Mr Scheer and Mr O'Toole is that the latter will need lots more French lessons to be able to hold his own with Mr Socks on the debate platform.

Will Mr O'Toole, who made a not-so-subtle pitch to the social conservatives in his campaign but is really a creature of the "radical centre", push the Conservative Party into anything like a conservative position on the issues of the day, both financial and social? M Bernier thinks not. He has sent us this statement of his views on Mr O'Toole and the state of conservatism in Canada today.

Two years ago, I resigned from the Conservative Party of Canada and decided to launch a new, principled, and genuinely conservative party, the People's Party of Canada. I am more convinced than ever that I made the right decision.

I said at the time that under Andrew Scheer's leadership, the Conservative Party had become too morally and intellectually corrupt to be reformed. Instead of articulating a coherent conservative vision, all he did was play identity politics, pander to ethnic and interest groups, and try to steal votes from the Liberals by proposing centre-left policies.

Andrew Scheer's leadership has proven itself to be an utter failure.

The party now has a new leader who will follow the same strategy. Erin O'Toole said early in this leadership campaign that Peter Mackay would turn the Conservative Party into the "Liberal-lite Party" if he wins. He was right. What O'Toole did not say is that he, as leader, will do the same thing.

O'Toole and Mackay are like two peas in a pod. They are both establishment, centrist, globalist Red Tories. The party's establishment wanted a Red Tory leader. They got one.

O'Toole ran as a typical Red Tory three years ago. Nobody remembers anything from his bland campaign. No bold proposal, nothing to distinguish him from the rest of the pack. That's the real Erin O'Toole.

This time he put on a "true blue" mask only for strategic reasons: to be the second choice of the less well-known candidates, Leslyn Lewis and Derek Sloan. But I have a message for the supporters of these candidates: Don't be fooled. He got what he wanted. The mask will fall now that he’s the leader. He will take your support for granted.

From now on, his main objective will be to steal centre-left votes from the Liberals. Not to advocate for real conservative principles and policies. He will revert to being the Red Tory he always was. Under O'Toole, the Conservative Party will continue advocating for policies barely distinguishable from those of the Trudeau Liberals on issues that are crucial for Canada’s future.

The vast majority of Conservatives want an end to the mass immigration policy of the Liberals. It won't happen under Erin O'Toole. He and the party’s establishment support mass immigration and official multiculturalism.

The People’s Party is the only party that will protect Canada's culture and identity. The only party that proposes a moratorium on immigration until the crisis is over and unemployment is down to normal levels. And then a return to much lower levels of immigration, with a focus on economic immigrants rather than family reunification. We are the only party that emphasizes the integration of immigrants into Canadian society rather than the cult of diversity.

The vast majority of Conservatives don't believe in climate alarmism and want an end to costly and inefficient green policies. Policies that have proven disastrous for Canada's energy sector. O'Toole will ignore them and instead court centre-left Liberal voters. He still wants to reach the unattainable Paris Accord targets. He says climate change "requires global solutions."

In his platform, he promises to focus "on making industry pay rather than taxing ordinary Canadians, by forging a national industrial regulatory and pricing regime across the country." Watch out. He will simply replace Trudeau’s carbon tax with other taxes, more green regulations and more subsidies.

Under the weak leadership of Andrew Scheer, the Conservatives said it would take at least five years to eliminate the $20-billion Liberal deficit of two years ago. Imagine that. Five years to cut $20 billion! How long will it take under Erin O'Toole, now that the deficit is $350 billion? 25 years? 50 years?

The vast majority of Conservatives want Canada first policies. They want a foreign policy that restores Canada's national sovereignty. They want to stop sending our money to other countries, while millions of Canadians lost their jobs and suffer. They want to kick the United Nations out of Canada, along with its Paris Accord, its Global Compact on Migrations, and its socialist Sustainable Development Goals.

Erin O'Toole is a globalist, like the rest of Ottawa's globalist establishment. As Conservative critic for foreign affairs, he said last year he wanted to restore ties with Saudi Arabia "by focusing on improving commercial ties and by offering more aid, development and refugee support in the Gulf region." Can you spot the difference between him and Justin Trudeau? That's the kind of foreign policy you expect from Liberals. You can be sure nothing will change under his leadership.

Erin O'Toole won't touch the equalization program.
Erin O'Toole won't use article 92(10) of the Constitution to ensure we build pipelines.
Erin O’Toole won't repeal bill C-16 that imposes a radical trans agenda on Canadians. He won’t do anything to restore and protect our freedom of speech.

On every major issue, the Conservative Party under Erin O'Toole will be just like the Liberals. What else can be expected from the leader of the Liberal-lite Party? On each of these issues, the People's Party is the only national party offering a clear, consistent, conservative vision.

I know that real conservatives are disappointed today. Especially those whose first choice was Derek Sloan or Leslyn Lewis. Or those who supported Jim Karahalios, who was shamelessly kicked out of the leadership race by the party’s establishment. I want to tell them today: There is a place where you can fight openly for your values. Where they won't be disparaged or shut down, but will be proudly championed.

You have a home. It’s the People’s Party of Canada.
We're the fastest growing party in Canadian history. We accomplished more in our first year than the Green Party did in 20 years and 6 elections.

Nothing will change unless those who want change stop wasting their time, and their votes, on parties that will never bring any real change.
The door is open. Join the People’s Party. Thank you.

Voting by mail: Canuck Conservatives show what can go wrong

In 2019 the Canadian sheeple were herded to the polls to vote for a new government. The Conservative Party of Canada, led by Andrew Scheer, got more votes, but because the Liberals won more ridings (= electoral districts), they formed the government, and Just In Trudeau is still Prime Minister. [Where have we heard that before? Ed.]

Mr Scheer duly announced his resignation and plans were made to hold a leadership convention this spring to choose his successor. The last time the Tories did that, in 2017, they adopted a one-member-one-vote system, rather than the traditional delegated convention, to signal that they too were in favour of participatory democracy, diversity, inclusivity, yada yada yada. And they decided to allow voting by mail, as well as in person. With 13 contenders vying for the poisoned chalice, determining the winner was bound to be a complex and tedious business, but they muddled through and, by a narrow margin, chose the aforesaid Mr Scheep over Mad Max Bernier. Bad move.

The plan this time, in part necessitated by the Covid-19 "crisis", was to simplify matters by having mail-in balloting only. And instead of having votes counted at various places around the world's second-biggest country (by landmass), all ballots would be sealed in special envelopes and delivered to Ottawa (the world's second-coldest capital city) by Canada Post. What could go wrong?

Did I mention Canada Post? The crown corporation that runs Canada's alleged postal system is marginally more efficient than the USPS, but when Canucks pay 92 cents (plus tax!) for a stamp, they say it's 2 cents for postage and 90 cents for storage! Canada Post also has very strict regulations about the size and weight of letters.

In 2017 the Conservatives' ballots were so large (13 names, remember) that they had to be stuffed into oversized envelopes, for which CanPost charged extra. This time, CanPost told the Tories, use smaller envelopes and you'll save thousands of dollars. Great idea, said the genius in charge of logistics. Sadly, though, the genius didn't think to reduce the size of the ballots to fit nicely into the smaller envelopes.

Oh, you're getting ahead of me. Fast forward to Friday afternoon, by which time 174,000 envelopes, fat with ballots, were in a Very Large Room in Ottawa, where they would be opened by electric letter-openers. [They have such things in Canada? Ed.] The ballots would then be removed by human beings [Looks like only men in the photo? Ed.] and fed into machines which would scan them and tabulate the results. Again, what could go wrong?

The Big Reveal was supposed to begin at 1800 ET, and Canada's two major TV networks had cleared three hours or so of time to broadcast the speeches (to empty rooms) and the pundits' dreary drivel. At 1800 the Tories annouonced that there was a slight problem and the results of the first ballot (of a possible three -- a ranked ballot was being used) would be forthcoming at 1930. Then it was 2000, then 2100. By this time the talking heads on CBC and CTV were running out of things to say, but kept talking anyway.

What's the problem, they asked? Conservative Party officials fessed up that there had been a little problem with... wait for it... the machines. Seems the letter-openers had cut pieces off some of the ballots -- only a few thousand or so -- which then had to be taped back together to be fed into the tabulator machines, which also mangled some of them. (Think what your printer/photocopier does when a piece of paper gets caught in a cog.) In some cases, the damaged ballots had to be rewritten... by hand... onto new ballots, under the keen eyes of scrutineers for all the candidates to ensure that the voter's intention was accurately reproduced. Can you imagine...

2100 came, and still no results, so the "organizers" decided to run with a canned speech by Mr Scheep and a video of the lowlights of his career, followed by a much-too-long explanation of how the votes would be allocated so that the smaller regions of Canuckistan would not be dominated by the larger ones. Sports fans were switching over to the basketball and hockey games, but the non-show went on... and on...

After the 2230 quasi-deadline passed in silence, Party flak-catchers started saying "We'll give you 15 minutes notice." That notice came at 2315 ET. [We're running out of space. Just tell us when and how it all turned out. Ed.] The announcement of the results of the first ballot began at 20 midnights past midnight. None of the four candidates got the 50%+1 needed to win. There followed another half-hour delay, even though the votes had already been counted, and finally, at 0115 ET, the results of the second and third counts were announced in the space of about two minutes.

For what it's worth, the winner was another dimpled, slightly overweight, blue-eyed, non-threatening Canadian type named Erin O'Toole, seen here with his dimpled etc etc wife and kids. Mr O'Toole beat the runner-up (and establishment favourite) Peter Mackay, by virtue of being able to speak halting French, whereas Mr Machackey's had apparently learned his French, as a lad, from John Diefenbaker. (Older Canucks will know what I mean.)

The CBC, owned and operated by and for the Liberal government, is already spinning Mr O'Toole's win as proof that "socons" -- social conservatives -- are gaining control of the Conservative Party. Mr Mackay, they say, was the last of the oxymoronical Progressive Conservatives, whereas "Erin O'Toole courted the right of the Conservative Party and won" (Éric Grenier, 24/8/20).

Walt says Mr O'Toole is just another bland contrist with no real vision of where he wants to lead his party or, indeed, the Great No-longer-white North. All he wants to do is beat Mr Socks in the next federal election which could happen as early as November 3rd. [Eh? Ed.] In that, Walt wishes him many good lucks.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

VIDEO: Previewing "The Plot Against the President"

A couple of days ago, Agent 17 asked me what I thought about QAnon and the theory that there is a Deep State plot to get rid of Still-President Trump. No such conspiracy exists, according to (for instance) WaPo. It's actually the QAnon people who are the conspirators, they say: "QAnon, the Conspiracy Theory Creeping Into U.S. Politics", 23/8/20. It's all the work of the QAnon "wack-jobs", so they say.

But (I asked 17), do you really believe that the Lefties, Antifa, the (((controlled media))), the never-Trumpers, the RINOs and the Dumbocrats, are not pulling out all the stops to ensure that Mr Trump is not re-elected? Do they not say so themselves? About the only thing that I haven't heard people like Crazy Maxine Waters advocate is the actual use of deadly force. On the other hand, the Dems haven't rushed to the microphones to denounce the anti-government, anti-police, anti-everything riots in (for instance) Portland either.

"The Plot Against the President" sounds like the title of a novel, a work of pure fiction, doesn't it? Who (except for QAnon) could think of such a thing in America, the bastion of democracy? In America, presidents are not assassinated... Oh, wait... But that was in the past. Nowadays the best the "antis" can hope for is impeachment. But what does it take to get a President impeached? Something like a conspiracy to manufacture evidence of something like collusion with a foreign power... Russia, for instance.

Which brings us to The Plot Against the President, which turns out to be the title of a real book, a bestseller written by investigative journalist Lee Smith in 2019. The subtitle is Revelations on the Deep State from the House Intelligence Committee. Please note, not QAnon but "the House Intelligence Committee".

Mr Smith's book tells how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the operation to bring down the Commander-in-Chief. The allegations, since totally discredited, that Russia subverted democratic processes during the 2016 elections, was actually part of a slow-moving coup engineered by a coterie of the American elite, the "deep state," targeting not only the president, but also the rest of the country.

The good news (?) is that you don't have to read The Plot Against the President. The movie, directed by Amanda Milius, daughter of legendary screenwriter-director John Milius and a State Department alum, is coming out on October 1st! Here's the trailer.

The movie -- a documentary, not a work of fiction -- turns leftist conspiracy theories on the head, and shows who the real conspirators are. (Spoiler alert: Does the phrase "Deep State" mean anything to you?) Expect scathing reviews and heaps of "fact-checking" from the WaPo and the rest of the (((controlled media))) when it appears. Walt's suggestion: go see The Plot Against the President (if it gets into a cinema near you) and judge for yourself. When should you do that? On or before Tuesday, November 3rd!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Is your life meaningful?

Thanks and a tip of the biretta (not beretta) to Agent 9.

À la prochaine

National Sports Editor Poor Len Canayen analyses the Montréal-Philadelphia series which ended last night with the Canadien suffering a 3-2 loss.

So dat's it, den. Hard to come back from a deficit of 3 games to 1, but the Habs gave it a pretty good shot, and in the end just had bad puck luck. The Flyers first two goals (in 5 minutes of the first period) both went in off the sticks of Montréal defenders. The third one, which proved to be the winner, hit the goalpost and then caromed in off the back of Carey Price's leg.

You can't blame Price for any of those, or indeed for any of the losses in the series. The problem was not so much bad luck as lack of scoring -- pure and simple. You can't not score for over 130 minutes and expect to win. Your goalie can stand on his head and allow 1.25 goals per game (see my previous post), but if you score 0.0 goals per game, as the Habs did twice, you lose.

Getting back to what Kelly Hrudey called "bad luck"... you can't call it bad luck (entirely) for the goalie when the guys in front of him forget the basics of how to play, or at least one of them. I know, I know. It's hard to think fast when you're out there on the ice in one of the world's fastest games, and it's easy for mere spectators like moi to second-guess, but...

Don Cheery told me more than once this basic rule of defence. It you are between your goalie and the opposing team's shooter, and both you and your goalie are square to the shooter -- directly in line between him and the goalmouth -- what you do not do, as the defender, is stick the blade of your stick out to the side. Let the goalie use his stick to stop the shot. If you try to block the shot with your stick (as opposed to your body), what happens, all too often, is that the puck deflects off the blade of your stick and goes in. That's what happened on the Flyers' first two goals last night. Not bad luck.

For fans of les Glorieux, the playoffs are over. But there's a team called the Canucks, from Vancouver, I believe, who finished off the defending champion St. Louis Blues last night, so it's possible that Lord Stanley's silverware might yet return to the Great No-longer-white North for the first time since the Canadien brought it home in 1993, defeating the Los Angeles Kings.

The winning goal in that series was scored by none other than Kirk Muller, who (because of Claude Julien's heart attack) was coaching the Habs last night. We wish Coach Claude a full recovery and hope he'll be back next season. If that's not possible, the team will be in good hands with Captain Kirk.

And, with some promising prospects coming along, and Nick Suzuki emerging as a potential superstar (he scored both goals last night), I predict with great confidence that 2020-21 will be a much better year for La Sainte Flannelle than this one. And, all things considered, this year wasn't all that bad!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Canadiens are still there!

Here's our National Sports Editor, Poor Len Canayen, breathing a sigh of relief. He'll tell you why.

Tank youse, Hed. Let us recap. Going into last night's fifth game of their NHL quarter-final playoff series, Canada's National Team, the Montréal Canadiens, trailed the Flyers of Philthydelphia 3 games to 1. How could this could be, when the World's Best Goaltender (TM), Carey Price, had a GAA of 1.25 and a saves pct of .957 in the first four games? I will explain.

Although Price allowed only 5 goals in the first four games, the team in front of him scored only 6. So why wasn't that enough to win, 6-5? Because the Habs scored 5 of their goals in the Game 2 blowout, and 1 in a 2-1 loss in the first game. The scored NO (zero) goals in Games 3 and 4, losing 1-0 and 2-0. So there they were, not having scored in almost 130 minutes, facing elimination.

But, as the saying goes, la plume de ma tante est sur la table. When the going gets tough, the tough get going! And so they did. Starting fast and getting the first goal early has proved critical in this series, and Joel Armia hit the twine, with a short-handed goal (!) just before the 3-minute mark, letting the Flyers know that the Habs weren't going to give up without a fight.

Then, at the 2-minute mark of the 2nd period, came something I never expected to see -- a major penalty and game misconduct for boarding to the formerly mild-mannered, always-smiling Jesperi Kotkaniemi, a kid who can barely raise a playoff beard. Is it true that steroids make you cranky? In the summer of 2019 they told KK that he'd better put some pounds on his lanky frame, and he did. 20 pounds heavier now than he was at Christmas, he's starting to throw his new weight around, but this time too much so, and at the wrong time. During the 5-minute powerplay, Flyers' Voracek ended a scoring drought with two goals, and I must admit I thought that was going to be the end.

Except it waasn't. Les Glorieux came back hard, with Joel Armia leading the charge. He hit a crossbar shortly after the teams got back to even strength, said "I won't do that again", and put his next shot in, just over Philly goalie Carter Hart's shoulder, making it 2-up. Just over a minute later, Brenda Gallagher, on something like his 37th shot in this series, finally scored, making it 3-2 Habs at the end of the 2nd.

Could the Habs hang on to a one-goal lead? Errr, no. Unlike in the first four games, special units played a big part in last night's game. The Canadiens' penalty kill was not as effective as usual, and the Flyers' power play hit for their third goal of othe game at 10:37. BUT... it seemed like Montréal said, with one voice, "Damn it, we are NOT going to lose!" Nick Suzuki, who had a goal called back (offside) earlier in the period, scored what proved to the the game-winner just 22 seconds later.

The Habs put up an aggressive defence for the balance of the game, with centre Phillip Danault -- overworked in the absence of Kotkaniemi -- rewarded an empty-net goal at 19:42. Final score: Montréal 5 - Philadelphia 2. Philadelphia now leads the series 3 games to 2, with another potential elimination game scheduled for 7 ET/4 PM on Friday. Can the Habs win that one and one more, to advance to the next round? Bet against them at your peril!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

More poetic justice in Virginia

Readers with long(ish) memories may recall our post headed "Poetic justice in Portsmouth, Virginia" (WWW 13/6/20) in which we told you the sad (NOT!) story of how one of the anti-Black racism (etc etc) protesters tearing down a statue of Robert E. Lee in Portsmouth VA was injured when said statue fell on him. The story ended with Virginia Governor Ralph Northam's pledge to get "justice for all the 'protesters'."

Believe it or not, fourteen (14!) of the "protesters" and their colleagues/associates/supporters -- including a Democratic state senator, three members of the NAACP, and three "public defenders" -- have actually been charged with conspiracy to commit a felony and injury to a monument in excess of $1000.

Charges of conspiracy to commit a felony and injury to a monument in excess of $1000 have been laid against:
State Senator Louise Lucas
James Boyd, Portsmouth NAACP representative
Louie Gibbs, Portsmouth NAACP representative
LaKesha Hicks, Portsmouth NAACP representative
LaKeesha S. "Klu" Atkinson, Portsmouth School Board member
Kimberly Wimbish
Dana Worthington
Amira Bethea

Those charged only with injury to a monument in excess of $1000 are:
Brenda Spry, public defender
Alexandra Stephens, public defender
Meredith Cramer, public defender
Brandon Woodard
Hanah Renae Rivera
Raymond J Brothers

No charges have been laid against Chris Green, the father of two on whom General Lee's statue got its revenge. According to his GoFundMe page, although he cannot walk or talk, Mr Green (who is actually Black) can drink liquids and "is able to feed himself semi-solid foods and is able to drink from a cup independently. Chris is showing emotion by smiling and laughing when appropriate."

As for Senator Lucas, WAVY-TV reported shortly after the "peaceful protest" that a campaign had been launched to effect her recall. Since then, the Virginian-Pilot reports, she has filed a defamation suit against Tim Anderson, who started the campaign, who (she said) falsely accused her of inciting a riot, a felony, and of telling police to stand down while people defaced the monument. How the criminal charges will affect the civil proceeding remains to be seen.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Book review: Calling out leading liberal hypocrites

Because of the Dempanic, the Fort Mudge Library has been closed for months, so I'm reduced to reading books I bought at various garage and rummage sales but never got around to. One such is Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy, by Peter Schweizer (Doubleday 2005). Although it won the Book With the Longest Title award for 2005, it's actually a fairly slim (219 pp plus notes) volume, a quick and not-too-heavy read for a hot summer day.

One might think, from the title, that Do As I Say (Etc) is going to be a hatchet job, but it's not. The author barely mentions Michael Moore's obesity and scruffiness, Bill Clinton's little tryst with an intern or Ted Kennedy's misadventure at Chappaquiddick. Nor does he dwell on the (((Jewishness))) of six of the eleven leading liberals profiled.

Instead, he presents carefully researched facts and figures detailing the record of Mr Moore, Mrs Bill Clinton, the late Senator Kennedy, and the others (Noam Chomsky, Al Franken, Ralph Nader, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, Barbra Streisand, Gloria Steinem and Cornel West) on ethical investment, affirmative action and protecting the environment. In the Conclusion, Mr Schweizer sums up his findings thus.

How can we explain the fact that so many prominent individuals who are so passionate about their beliefs don't act accordingly? That seems to be the great paradox of liberalism as practiced by those we have profiled.... In short, they seem more interested in compelling others to embrace their vision of social change than in acting on that vision themselves....

Experience has taught these individuals that their ideas just don't work.... They really don't respect their own ideas and have privately concluded that...liberalism as practiced today does not offer them a road map to happiness.

Soak the rich, but don't soak me. Protect the environment, but let me drive my Hummer and water my lawn. Workers of the world, unite! But running a business with a union shop is just too complicated and difficult. Hire more blacks to fight racism, but let me hire my own people based on ability, not race....

The simple fact is that those in the vanguard of the liberal-left have found their own ideas to be ultimately self-defeating, self-destructive, and unworkable.

The (somewhat) good news for those of us who don't want to do what the liberal elites say is that the peasants are finally seeing at least some of the leading liberal hypocrites for what they are. The Hero of Chappaquiddick is dead. Al Franken is politically dead, killed by #MeToo. Having backed Bernie Sanders in 2016 and 2020, Cornel West finds himself outside the inner circles of the Dumbocratic Party.

Michael Moore signed his own death warrant by revealing the truth about alternative energy. And Hellery Clinton is politically dead too, although she refuses to lie down. But there is still (((George Soros))), now more than ever.

Mr Soros is more dangerous than the others who (mostly) just talk. He puts up real money -- scads of it -- to put the talkers he favours into places where they can take action to bring to pass the New World Order. When Slow Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi talk, what you're really hearing is the voice of Soros, the Master Ventriloquist. Don't be fooled!

VIDEO: Les Canadiens sont là!

Ed. here. In last week's confusion about who was doing what in the absence of Walt, our National Sports Editor, Poor Len Canayen, didn't get a chance to expound on the Montréal Canadiens chances of advancing through the National Hockey League playoffs. He is just about wetting himself with joy and optimism, so I'll turn the keyboard over to him... NOW!

Tank youse, Hed. Because of the "pause" in the NHL's regular season, the playoffs this year are different from years before, and I don't just mean playing in August! Instead of the top eight teams in each division playing down to the final four and final two, the league started with the top twelve teams in each divison. So the Habs barely squeaked into the series, as the No. 12 seed, meaning that they go against the top seeds in each round, starting with the Pittsburgh Penguins in the "play-in" round.

To the surprise of many, including perhaps themselves, les Glorieux polished off Sid the Kid and the mighty Pens, 3 games to 1. I'll turn it over, now, to Adam Susser and the gang at the Montreal Gazette's Hockey Inside Out, to analyse how they did and the outlook for the confrontation with the Philthydelphia Flyers.

That video was recorded before Wednesday night's game, which the Flyers won 2-1. The Habs got off to a slow start, as they did in the first two games against the Pittsburghers, and allowed the first goal around the five-minute mark of the first period. But they woke up towards the end of the first and proved that they could skate with the Penguins, with Captain Shea Weber finally scoring a power-play goal in the second. Unfortunately the Pens responded with a pinball-type goal just a few second later, and made the 2-1 lead stand up for the win.

The Habs played well enough to win, but only for 50 minutes or so. And sometime that evening -- if it was during the game I didn't see it -- coach Claude Julien had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital, where he had a stent put in on Thursday. Get well soon, Claude! We're pullin' for ya! That left assistant coach Kirk Muller in charge for yesterday's second game. It turned out all he had to do was say "Go out and win it for Coach Claude!", et voilà.

Yesterday afternoon's game was as lopsided as the 5-0 final score indicates, as Montréal put on a real clinic for the (perhaps) over-confident Flyers. Jesperi Kotkaniemi (mentioned favourable in the video) scored twice, as did Tomas "Tuna" Tatar, and Joel Armia potted one, so for once the Habs didn't needed their defencemen only to do their job at the blue line, which they did. Carey Price was full value for his 7th careeer playoff shutout, stopping 30 shots.

The game was a real team effort for la Sainte Flannelle, with only four skaters not getting on the score sheet. Even Victor Mete got an assist, he who has scored only two (2) goals in his entire career with the Habs. The other defenceman whose game has improved markedly (as noted by the HI/O panel) is Brett Kulak, meaning that the Habs now have four reliable D-men, with the other two -- Mete and Xavier Ouellet -- playing well enough.

I don't know that I'm ready to predict a Montréal win, but I'm mighty encouraged, and looking forward to Sunday night's close encounter of the third kind. Until next time, keep yer stick on the hice!

"The Australian"'s take on the Biden-Harris ticket

The Australian is a newspaper, the biggest one in the Land of Oz. It is owned by Lupert MUrdoch's News Corp, not known for its friendliness to liberals and liberal causes. It was therefore not unexpected that the paper might be less than enthusiastic about Slow Joe Biden's choice of running mate -- a choice pretty much forced on him by the success of the #MeToo and #BLM movements. The current political climate in the Excited States of America is such that he couldn't do other than pick a Black(ish) woman to balance the Dumbocratic ticket. Here's how The Australian sees it.

Shocking, isn't it?! Outrageous! Racist! Misogynistic! Anti-Black! Anti-wimmin! [That's enough pejoratives. Ed.] The cartoon drew immediate criticism from the usual suspects, including some Aussie politicians. Andrew Giles, a Labour pol and shadow cabinet minister called it "offensive and racist." Former attorney-general (((Mark Dreyfus))) tweeted, "If The Australian has any respect for decency and standards it must apologise immediately, and never again publish cartoons like this."

Apology came there none. The Australian's editor-in-chief, Christopher Dore, stood by the cartoon, saying Johannes Leak, the cartoonist, was mocking Mr Biden's own words. "The words 'little black and brown girls' belong to Joe Biden, not Johannes, and were uttered by the presidential candidate when he named Kamala Harris as his running mate yesterday; he repeated them in a tweet soon after," Dore said in a note to the newspaper's staff, copied to Reuters by News Corp.

A News Corp spokesman declined to comment on the cartoon. So did a spokesthingy for Creepy Joe's campaign. End of "story".

Friday, August 14, 2020

What kind of "American" is Kamala Harris

Here we go again. Senator Kamala Harris' hat barely landed in the ring when questions arose about her citizenship. Not ethnicity, but citizenship. According to Wikipedia, Ms Harris "identifies as African-American", and appears to have a good claim to being Black American, Asian American, Jamaican American and Indo-American. (The last should not to be confused with "Indian American", or "Native American", as claimed by Fauxcahontas.) But is she "American American", in the sense of being entitled to a US passport, or to succeed Slow Joe Biden should he fall permanently asleep while occupying the Oval Office?

The question is citizenship. As Walt reported earlier this week, Ms Harris was undeniably born in the Excited States of America, Oakland CA. Her parents, Donald Harris (Jamaican) and Shyamala Gopalan (Indian) were students at UC Berkeley at the time. And therein lies the problem. Neither of her parents was a naturalized American citizen!

In "Some Questions for Kamala Harris About Eligibility", published in Newsweek (not known for being unfriendly to liberals) on August 12th, Dr John C. Eastman, Professor of Law at Chapman University, cites the 12th Amendment to the US Constitution, which provides that "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." Article II of the Constitution specifies that "[n]o person except a natural born citizen...shall be eligible to the office of President."

Isn't Ms Harris, having been born in (ugh, brrr) Oakland in 1964, a natural born citizen from location of birth? The 14th Amendment says so, according to Snopes (there's a red flag, right there) and others, and the Supreme Court so held in the 1898 case of United States v Wong Kim Ark.

But... argues Prof Eastman, the 14th Amendment provides that "all persons the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens." Those who claim that birth alone is sufficient overlook the second phrase. The person must also be "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States, which means subject to the complete jurisdiction, not merely a partial jurisdiction such as that which applies to anyone temporarily sojourning in the United States. In other words, if the person is "just visiting", that doesn't count!

Wong Kim Ark is not to the contrary, adds Prof Eastman. At issue there was a child born to Chinese immigrants who had become lawful, permanent residents in the United States. "Domiciled" was the legally significant word used by SCOTUS. That was the extent of the Court's holding, as opposed to broader language that was non-binding dicta. Indeed, the professor says, "the Supreme Court has never held that anyone born on United States soil, no matter the circumstances of the parents, is automatically a US citizen."

If Ms Harris' parents were lawful permanent residents at the time of her birth, under the actual holding of Wong Kim Ark, she should be deemed a natural-born citizen at birth, and thus eligible for highest office. But if they were just temporary visitors -- in the country on student visas -- then "derivatively from her parents" Ms Harris was not subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States at birth, but instead owed her allegiance to a foreign power or power -- Jamaica and/or India -- and was therefore not entitled to birthright citizenship under the 14th Amendment as originally understood.

It will be recalled, as Walt told you, that Ms Harris' mother moved, with her two daughters, to the English-speaking enclave of Westmount, Québec, Canada, where Ms Harris graduated from high school in 1981, when she was 17 years old. Under US law at the time, one or both of her parents would need to have become naturalized American citizens before Ms Harris' 16th birthday in order for her to become naturalized herself.

Donald Harris' bio page at Stanford University identifies his citizenship status as "Jamaica (by birth); U.S. (by naturalization)." But, says Prof Eastman, there is some dispute over whether he was in fact ever naturalized, and it is also unclear whether -- Shyamala Gopalan Harris -- ever became a naturalized citizen.

If neither was ever naturalized (or at least not before Ms Harris' 16th birthday), then she would have had to become naturalized herself in order to be a citizen. That does not appear to have ever happened, yet without it, she could not have been "nine Years a Citizen of the United States" before her election to the United States Senate.

Prof Eastman concedes that such arguments may be dismissed as mere lawyerly nitpicking. It would help, though, if Ms Harris and her parents (who have not yet been heard from, as nearly as I can tell), came forward with papers proving her eligibility, just as Barack Hussein Obama [Who? Ed.] eventually produced what purported to be a birth certificate proving that he was born in Hawaii to a parent who was... Well, I forget the rest, but Mr Obama eventually became POTUS, after which the question was moot.

Prof Eastman concedes that could well happen with Ms Harris too. In the US of A, just as in Russia and Zimbabwe, winning an election makes everything all right.

Disclaimer: Newsweek has added this footnote to Prof Eastman's article: Eastman ran in the 2010 Republican primary as a candidate for attorney general [of California]; he lost to Steve Cooley, who lost to Kamala Harris in the general election.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

VIDEO: Still think you should vote for Slow Joe Biden?

Walt's only comment on this video: You're in trouble when they start laughing at you.

Ed.'s comment: They're laughing at President Trump too.

Walt's response: We'll see who has the last laugh.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Biden picks Black(ish) woman as running mate

It's official! Slow Joe Biden has done what was expected, nay demanded, and chosen a woman of colour [not "person" of colour? Ed.] as his running mate for the 2020 election.

She is Kamala Devi Harris, born on October 20, 1964, in Oakland CA. What follows is based on the Wikipedia article about her. Read on and learn why any comparison with Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who made false claims about being black, is odious and, errr, racist.

Ms Harris's mother, Shyamala Gopalan, emigrated from India in 1960 to pursue a doctorate in endocrinology at UC Berkeley. Her father, Donald Harris, is a Stanford University Emeritus Professor of Economics, who emigrated from Jamaica in 1961 for graduate study in economics at UC Berkeley. So much that is absolutely right... make that left... in the Excited States of America comes out of Berkeley.

Ms Harris self-identifies as African-American -- the lamestream media are already adding "and Asian-American too!" -- and "considers her experience to be American." She spent her early years Berkeley, where she grew up going to a black Baptist church and a Hindu temple. And her parents divorced when she was seven. How American is that!

She and her sister visited their mother's family in India. They also used to visit their father in Palo Alto CA on weekends, where neighbours' kids were not allowed to play with them because they were black.

When she was 12, Ms Harris and her sister moved with their mother to Montréal, Canada, where one presumes the family found more acceptance than in the other CA. Ms Harris was a popular student at the English-language high school in the toney Anglo enclave of Westmount, from which she graduated in 1981. She went on to Howard University, a private, federally chartered "historically black" university in Washington DC, from which she received a B.A. in political science and economics in 1986.

After interning with Senator Alan Cranston (D-CA), Ms Harris earned her J.D. from the Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, and passed the bar of California in 1990. She was immediately hired as a deputy district attorney in Alameda County CA, where she was noted as being "an able prosecutor on the way up." Or perhaps she was going down.

By 1994, Ms Harris had entered into a relationship with Willie Lewis Brown Jr., a Democratic politician who became Speaker of the California Assembly, the first African-American to hold that office. It was he who appointed Ms Harris to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later the California Medical Assistance Commission. Thus the origin of the scurrilous (but factual) meme at the left.

Perhaps we'd better stop there, before we get to the late John Lewis. De mortuis nil nisi bonum. My point is that when you see these snarky memes -- and you'll be seeing a lot of them -- you mustn't assume that they're all "fake news", created by anti-black racists and/or Republicans. Where there's smoke, etc.

That said, Ms Harris ticks all the right boxes on the Democrats' checklist. She's a woman, although evidently heterosexual. And she's Black, or brown, or at least non-white. She's from immigrant stock, but not the kind that came over on the Mayflower. She's from California, so that locks up both the la-la-liberals and the Hollywood liberals. She doesn't have the political baggage of Susan Rice.

And did I already say she's black(ish)? But... this is key... she doesn't look or sound as black as, say, Lori Lightfoot, Keisha Bottoms or Stacey Abrams. How could Sleepy Joe have done any better?!

Further reading: "Stacey Abrams Graciously Accepts VP Nomination", Babylon Bee, 11/8/20.

VIDEO: No face mask, no taxi ride!

De partis infidelibus, Agent 9 has sent us this interesting video. Seems that the rule of "no face mask, no service" applies even to taxis in west Africa.

What's interesting [to the prurient-minded! Ed.] is how the lady manages to divest herself of her undergarments without revealing any naughty bits. But the lesson is clear. You must do as you're told by the elites who govern us. It's for your own good!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Would you drink a beer called "Pubic Hair"?

Step right up, folks, and get an ice cold can of "the perfect summer beer, light body with a subtle citrus flavour from the New Zealand Hops! Find one in the wild or in Alberta's liquor stores and pubs"

So says Hell's Basement Brewery, out of Medicine Hat AB [Seriously. Look it up. Ed.], which launched Huruhuru (the Feather) New Zealand Hopped Pale Ale two years ago. Two years. That's how long it took for word to filter back to Canuckistan that "huruhuru" actually means pubic hair in te reo, the language spoken by the Maori people of New Zealand.

A Facebooker named Te Hamua Nikora, who is Maori, this week called out the brewery and a leathercraft shop in New Zealand for both using the word. "What's the first thing most Maori think when they hear the word 'huruhuru'?" asked Mr Nikora in his FB video. "It was brought to my attention a few days ago that there is a new shop in Wellington...and it's called Huruhuru Authentic Leather."

He said he sent the shop a Facebook message to ask what they thought the word meant. He said they responded that they found it in a dictionary as a word for "feather". "When the Maori look at the name of your store, they're not going to see 'feather' or soft leather," he said, "they're going to see 'pubes'."

The FB post quickly came to the attention of Mike Patriquin, founder and general manager of Hell's Basement Brewery, who responded with a stereotypically Canadian fulsime apology. "The interpretation was intended as 'feather' – meaning the beer itself is light as a feather and this is also stated in the name," said Mike in an e-mailed statement.

"We acknowledge that we did not consider the commonplace use of the term 'huruhuru' as a reference to pubic hair, and that consultation with a Maori representative would have been a better reference than online dictionaries. We wish to make especially clear that it was not our intent to infringe upon, appropriate, or offend the Maori culture or people in any way; to those who feel disrespected, we apologize."

Huruhuru IPA is to be rebranded. Names are being checked carefully with the PC police, and "AB0" (AB for Alberta and 0 as in "zero") has already been rejected.

Note from Ed.: Walt has returned.

VIDEO: Michael Matt on "The Great Reset", the plot to cancel Trump

Ed. here. From wherever he is, Walt has suggested strongly that we repost the latest video from Michael Matt and The Remnant newspaper. In "The Great Reset", Mr Matt explains that Covid-19 is not a hoax, but the Dempanic is. The current hysteria is all part of a plan masterminded by (((George Soros))) to defeat Still-President Trump and put in place the New World Order for which Mr Soros and his acolytes have been pushing for decades. But don't take Mr Matt's word for it. Listen to Prince Charles, Bill Gates and Mr Soros himself talk about what they're doing. No, Virginia, this is not a right-wing conspiracy theory. This is real! And the Dempanic is part of it!

To quote the notes on You Tube: "Is this the rest of the story behind the Russia hoax, Ukraine, the phony impeachment and all the other deep state attempts to cripple Trump's efforts to 'make America great again'?
"The folks at Davos want a new world order, and the only thing standing in their way at the moment is US. And if they get their New Normal, nothing will be the same ever again...unless, perhaps, if Donald Trump wins in November."

Friday, August 7, 2020

White antifa anarchists have taken over the BLM "protests"

Ed. here. Poor Len thinks that Walt left the picture we posted yesterday where it could be seen easily as a way of putting us off his trail. In reality, Len thinks, Walt is not in the wilderness, but inside the bubble around the Scotiabank Centre in Toronto, where Canada's team (the Montréal Canadiens) are trying to get through the NHL "play-ins", to advance to the Stanley Cup playoffs. Only the hockey players, their support workers and a handful of media types are allowed inside, so if Walt has found a hiding place in the rafters -- "The Phantom of the Arena"? -- he's not about to tell us! Stay tuned...

Meanwhile, it falls to me [and Poor Len! Len.] to fill this space, and not with irrelevant funny stuff, as Walt made clear in a rather scathing message two days ago. Today I've chosen "How white radicals hijacked Portland's protests", by Michael Tracey, on the UnHerd blogsite, 4/8/20. As before, space doesn't allow us to repost the whole article, so I've selected a few trenchant excerpts. If you wish to read the whole thing, click on the link above.

The overwhelmingly white, anarchist activists who populate the ongoing protests in Portland...[have] discovered a work-around to arrogate moral cover for whatever insurrectionary upheaval they would have been ideologically committed to fomenting anyway. The Left/liberal political and media class is deeply invested in preserving the untouchable sanctity of "BLM". So by fusing themselves in the public mind with this ambiguously-defined protest movement, or even putting themselves at the vanguard, the anarchist whites insulate themselves from the type of scrutiny that might ordinarily be prompted by activists whose ultimate goal is the overthrow of the state....

To characterise what's gone on in Portland as a traditional "protest" is a misnomer, however. Pay a visit to the area around the Federal Courthouse in Downtown after midnight and you are greeted by brigades of black-clad "Antifa" foot soldiers — geared up in full body armour, complete with industrial-grade gas masks, shields and even customised radio systems. Being overwhelmingly white, they are strategic about public presentation: the speakers appointed to address the nightly "rallies" are almost exclusively black, as "amplifying black voices" to whom whites must dutifully "listen" is a central tenet of the Summer 2020 protest ethos.

If there is any foundational idea operative in Portland, it's to keep a frenetic confrontation with the state going for as long as possible, so as to maximise the chances that an incendiary incident might occur and catalyse a larger insurrectionary uproar — similar to the killing of George Floyd in May, which sparked nationwide riots. One fateful tear gas canister fired into the temple of a "protester" could reverberate rapidly across the country; "Portland solidarity" actions have already sprouted up as far away as Richmond, Virginia....

When protesters chant "NO GOOD COPS IN A RACIST SYSTEM", the "system" to which they are referring is the foundational system of governance of the United States — again, deemed inherently "fascist" and "white supremacist", and therefore impossible to reform. As one sign wielded by a protester declared: "The Revolution will not come by asking or voting"....

A strange feature of this protest movement is that one would barely know Barack Obama, a black man elected president in a majority white nation, ever existed. Not that Obama's mere election was supposed to have eradicated every last trace of racial inequities in the United States: of course it wasn't. But you'd think it would at least inform popular conceptions of the role of race within the nation's elite power structure. Instead, Obama seems to have been simply "erased" — the significance of his tenure not even worth mentioning. Are we to believe that a country so intractably defined by "white supremacy" — a totally uncontested truism among protesters and their media allies — nonetheless elected a black man not once, but twice? Apparently....

Further reading: "Riotous BLM Protesters Suddenly Realize They're All White People", Babylon Bee, 5/8/20. Don't forget, folks, that the BB is "Christian satire", to be taken cum grano salis... but not too large a grain. Truth is stranger than fiction!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Where's Walto?

Ed. here. Walt in terra incognita est. Where could he be? It shouldn't be that hard to find him, now that the world is less crowded, with everyone keeping their antisocial distance.

I confess that I have been searching through Walt's hard drive, looking for clues as to where he might have gone. So far the only thing I've found, downloaded last month and saved as "untitled" is this photo.

Where could this be? Poor Len thinks it's not in his neck of the woods. "The trees are all wrong," he writes. And indeed, it seems to have been taken in the fall. But where? Any readers who recognize the locale are invited to e-mail us at the usual address.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Finally, the rebellion has begun!

Ed. here, again. I have received a communication ["bollocking" would be a better word. Poor Len] from Walt, who reminds me whose blog this is. "Take a look at the profile picture", he said. Errr... And I have been instructed that if I'm going to take Walt's place, then Poor Len Canayen will be deputed to take mine... even if he has to do it by remote from the Great No-longer-white North.

I am not counting on Poor Len's being preoccupied with the Canadiens-Penguins game tonight, so will mind my Ps and Qs and just post this meme, received from Agent 9, who says "Check out what she's standing on!"

We are all seniors here. Poor Len and I are both well past retirement age, but unlike Joe Biden, we recognize the limitations of our dotage. Walt, as is well known, is 187. So we all appreciate this. Thank you, 9!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

VIDEO: Second-oldest magic trick

Ed. here. This is great! Having Walt gone, I mean. I can fill this space with anything I like. Anything! And I can post more than once a day, if I want. Twice. Thrice, even. Or how about four times, today!

And I can put up posts with no political or religious point whatsoever, things that serve purely to entertain you, our assiduous readers. Like this excellent video featuring Charlotte magician/comedian Chris Hannibal performing "the second oldest trick in sleight of hand." Enjoy

Want more? Click here to see Mr Hannibal do his favourite trick. You're welcome.

Catholics kneel in Mass protest

Ed. here. Walt telephoned from his self-imposesd exile to say that if we keep reposting such excellent pieces, he may never return. Was that a threat or a promise? Who knows? He did recommend the following piece which appeared yesterday in the Babylon Bee.

Catholics Kneel In Mass Protest,
Then Stand, Then Sit, Then Kneel, Then Stand

In a Mass protest Sunday, Catholics around the world knelt in protest of something or another, then stood up in another apparent protest against the previous protesting, then sat down—the meaning of which is unclear— then knelt again, then stood up again.

It was all very confusing to religion and political commentators.

"Maybe they're mad about Luther still? I don't know," said one Protestant analyst. "It could be racism or something, but Catholics in every country from pretty much every ethnicity are kneeling and standing and sitting, so that can't be it."

"The messaging these days is very unclear. All I know is we are protesting something," said one devout Roman Catholic. "Like, I’m not sure if the kneeling is the protest part or if it's the standing. I know when athletes kneel for the national anthem, that’s a protest, but, then again, just last week one athlete kept standing and everyone else was kneeling and that was considered a protest. It's all very ambiguous."

Unfortunately, Pope Francis added to the confusion when he gave a homily about how brown fragility is contributing to systemic racism, which is then causing both police brutality and global warming. During this time he instructed the Roman Catholic faithful around the world to repeat the cycle of kneeling, then standing, and then sitting, and then kneeling, and then standing again.

Cardinals close to Pope Francis attempted to clarify that the Pope was not saying anything about the sexual abuse scandal in the church at this time and was trying to focus his message on global warming, which he believed needed to be combatted by the repeated kneel-stand-sit protest routine each Sunday.

We trust the good, and very funny folks at the BB won't mind our republishing this. Walt reads their blog every day and recommends it highly!

VIDEO: Welcome back, Jordan Peterson!

Ed. here (again). It's great to see Dr Jordan Peterson, fully recovered from his personal problems, back in action again. Here he is, interviewed by John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia. In this clip, they talk about the worrisome revival of Marxism and other ideas that history has condemned time and time again.

This is taken from a conversation that lasts nearly an hour and a half. Click here to see the whole thing.

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson looks at Biden's possible running mates

Ed. here. As disclosed yesterday, Walt is away, so we're just reposting articles and videos which we think should interest you, dear reader. Today we have Tucker Carlson, with the lowdown on the assorted black women who are under consideration to support Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket. According to Mr Carlson, Sleepy Joe would be nuts to consider any of them... except one, whose name just came to the fore this weekend. Who could it be? Check this out...

Further reading: "Biden Campaign Says He Is So Close To A VP Pick He Can Smell Her", Babylon Bee, 1/8/20.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Reposting a rant you're not going to like, by Brandon Morse

Ed. here. The last couple of months has been hard on Walt's blood pressure, and kindly ol' Doc Martin has suggested some time away from the USA might do him some good. He is therefore in partibus infidelibus until further notice, but we -- Poor Len Canayen and I -- won't let our faithful readers down.

Our National Sports Editor will wait until after tonight's NHL playoff game between the Penguins and the Habs to make sure he wasn't dreaming on Saturday night, so today we'll share with you excerpts from "Stop Being Nice: A Rant You're Not Going to Like", by Brandon Morse, in RedState, 31/7/20. By "you", Mr Morse means you conservatives and libertarians who aren't fighting back against the BLM/SJW/Antifa war on our society. Here are some choice chunks from his call to action.

I'm convinced that we've become a nation that has gotten so out of control in our adherence to social justice that it's even infected the people who are supposed to resist it, or worse, we've become too scared to rebel against it....

America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, isn’t living up to its reputation as either of those things. Social justice has infected everything and turned the United States into the shadow of its former self.

Despite all the fighting back we've done, the left is still managing to make their reality-rejecting ideological stances the standard in how the public conducts itself. It doesn't matter if its a complete denial of science or embracing failed political systems, the general public has become too afraid to look at the raging, temper tantrum throwing, hate-filled left and say "no."....

Social justice has taken over our society so much that we have a mass of people so brainwashed by leftist propaganda that they actually believe that socialism and communism are awesome. Socialists and communists [come] out of the woodwork to let me know that capitalism is actually the place where people starve and that Soviet Russian citizens actually ate better than Americans back in the day....

So convinced are the brainwashed left by their professors and peers, however, that their position is that my own eyes and ears are useless and that I should trust theirs. So consumed with social justice are they, that despite reality slapping down every position they have on the subject, they embrace it with their heart and soul to the point of violence....

These are the same idiots screaming "Black Lives Matter" in the streets as they burn down black-owned businesses, destroy their neighborhoods, and even kill them over television sets during riots. The same idiots who tell you that they're the good guys as they pummel you into a near-coma because you think pummeling people into a near-coma isn't the way we fix society.

...the end-goal of Black Lives Matter isn't equality and elevation of black lives but the fact that despite repeated actions from the BLM rioters and their leaders have proven me right time and again, the general public either still believes BLM cares or is too afraid to say otherwise. It's this cowardice that drives me nuts.

Our nation is collapsing around us, people have lost or are losing their jobs, businesses are failing, and the stress of it all is causing drug and alcohol abuse, as well as suicide rates to shoot up....

If all the truly responsible people went out and opened their businesses and conducted their lives like normal, the politicians and COVID-Karens could rant, scream, and rave all they want, lefty doctors could fear-monger till they were blue in the face and show us skyrocketing infection rates, but beyond these people, you wouldn't know a damn bit of difference between now and pre-COVID America....

I think a lot of this is happening because, frankly, we've become so passive and polite. Our enemies have interpreted our mild-mannered kindness as weakness and we’ve done nothing to prove otherwise....

I'm sick of this "nice guy" routine we’ve gotten ourselves into a rut with. It’s not doing us any good and we’re clearly being taken advantage of....

I'm promoting self-defense, which we have a right to. I guarantee that if rioters began seeing that the likelihood of being shot went up significantly, you'd see a lot of people a lot less gung-ho about being destructive and violent. The choice to loot and pillage becomes a lot more difficult to make when the consequences involve dying somewhere between the store and the hospital bed.

That means speaking truths that are uncomfortable and not doing things that our polite society has taught us to do. Stop qualifying your facts with reassurances that you’re not racist or sexist. Stop being afraid to make other people uncomfortable with your disagreements. ...stop entering every verbal combat situation by putting yourself on the back foot as a show of friendliness. They won't show you that mercy and will only take advantage of it.

We're not a nation of cowards so let's stop acting like it. The old saying that "all evil needs in order to succeed is for good men to do nothing" applies here. Our enemies deserve no quarter as we have received none ourselves.

Fight back.

That's about half of what Brandon Morse wrote. Click on the link in the introduction to read the whole thing. Any further comment from us, even an "Amen!", would be superfluous.