Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Markham murders - clarification and correction

In fairness to the Muslim community of "Greater Toronto", and migrants from south Asia (and NOT because of M-103!) I feel obliged to pick up some loose ends and post something of a mea culpa for "Toronto-area honour killing (?) claims 4 family members", WWW 29/7/19.

I posted the first version of this story 48 hours ago, as the news broke. The only information that the York Region police were releasing was that four people had been killed in one house and that a young man had been arrested when he answered the door of the house. Nothing was said about the man's relationship, if any, to the victims. And there was nothing about the victims' identity, ethnicity, status in Canada or religion. But, since Markham ON is a "diverse" community -- the majority of Chinese ancestry, actually -- with a large immigrant population, Agent 78 checked Fairchild Radio to learn more. That was where we got the tip that the members of the household were south Asian. That was correct.

From the names and appearance of people -- former tenants of a basement apartment -- who spoke to the (((controlled media))), I jumped to the conclusion that the family were probably Muslim. A further clue was the name of the suspect who was arrested -- Menham Zaman. Although the "authorities" still haven't said as much -- M-103 is in effect! -- that inference appears also to have been correct, and I stand by it. We'll know for sure when the funeral is held.

Then I wrote, "South Asian family. Domestic violence. Murder. Don't be surprised if, as Walt hereby predicts, this turns out to be an 'honour killing'." Although I didn't use the word "Muslim", because "honour killings" occur in other religious communities -- Sikhs, for instance -- I did write that the murders could have been triggered (no pun intended) by "some sort of domestic situation arising from someone not following the strict laws of Islam regarding dress and deportment, or choice of spouse."

That insinuation appears to have been unwarranted. After I had posted two updates [which seemed like enough. Ed.] news emerged of disturbing messages and images posted by Mr Zaman on a gaming platform called "Perfect World", which he used regularly. According to an administrator of the site, "He messaged many of his friends, including myself, about the details of the murder, during the act.... He has been choosing self-devaluing names like 'subhuman' and 'don't deserve life' to represent himself."

According to the meeja, Mr Zaman said online that he killed his family becauase he was tired of lying to them about his life. (They believed he had been attending university, whereas, he said, he had been killing time, gaming, and generally doing nothing was his life.) What we see now is a picture, not of an affair of honour -- I was wrong about that* -- but of an affair of insanity, or something like it. The story is sad, no matter the ethnicity or religion of those involved. I propose to give it a rest now.

* Note from Ed.: Mind you, Walt didn't say flat out that the murders
were honour killings. He wrote, "Don't be surprised if..."

Monday, July 29, 2019

UPDATED: Toronto-area honour killing (?) claims 4 family members

First, the version of this story published by the state-owned, ultra-PC CBC (Canadian Broadcorping Castration).

Four people found dead in a Markham, Ontario, residence on Sunday afternoon were killed, York Regional Police have confirmed as a man arrested at the scene is set for a court appearance Monday. Const. Andy Pattenden told CBC Toronto that the man, 20, is in custody and will appear in court "at some point today." Pattenden also said the identities of the four would not be released until after post-mortems.

An earlier version of the CBC article said police would not disclose the relationship, if any, between the residents of the house and the man taken into custody. UPDATE added at 0750: That man has now been identified (even on the CBC!) as 23-year-old Menhaz Zaman, of Markham. He is charged with four counts of murder in the first degree.

Markham is a burgeoning town just northeast of the Little Apple. The majority of its residents are Chinese. Agent 78 tuned in to Fairchild Radio, the local Chinese-language outlet, and learned that the family -- for they were all related -- were south Asians. Another source quoted a family friend named "Rafiq" as saying they were a happy family who had just that weekend had a lovely picnic at Bluffer's Park in nearby Scarborough.

South Asian family. Domestic violence. Murder. Don't be surprised if, as Walt hereby predicts, this turns out to be an "honour killing" -- some sort of domestic situation arising from someone not following the strict laws of Islam regarding dress and deportment, or choice of spouse.

Such things are not unknown among the Middle Eastern and south Asian immigrant communities of Toronto and Vancouver. See, for example, the still-shocking Shafia murder case, in which an Afghan immigrant to Canada, his second wife (in a polygamous marriage) and his son, all devout followers of the Prophet, were convicted of the murder by drowning of the man's first wife and three of his daughters by his second wife.

Don't be surprised, either, if Walt and others who dare to suggest that people who believe that such atrocities are justifiable if it's a matter of honour or fidelity to one's religion shouldn't be admitted to our supposedly Christian countries are called "racists", "Islamophobes" and all the other pejoratives hurled at those who make the link between barbaric cultural practices and heathen religions. Lifetime pct .988.

UPDATE added at 1145: Walt is not the type to say "I told you so." Keep that in mind as you look at this pic of the murder victims -- Menham Zaman's father, mother, grandmother and sister. Why would a young man kill not only his parents, but his granny and his sister too? It may be some time before we learn the answer... if ever.

Further reading: "Max Bernier's PPC policy on immigration, in point form", WWW 25/7/19.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

MUSIC VIDEO: Newbie but goodie from Tuba Skinny, just dropped

Nice to take a break on a hot summer day -- and I do mean hot -- from politics and religion and relax with an ice cold Dixie. And what better kind of music to accompany the imbibing than a new piece by Tuba Skinny, the greatest New Orleans Jazz Band on this side of the Pacific! Just posted to YouTube on July 24th, this is "Cushion Foot Stomp".

If you enjoyed this (and how could you not?!), check out "Won't You Be Kind to Me?", posted on WWW 27/4/19 and the band's first appearance on WWW, 12/1/19, recorded at the Albita Springs Opry, 19 June 2017.

VIDEO: Tranny Blaire White disses tranny Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv for human rights complaint re not being able to get his/her balls waxed

Ed. here. Walt tells me there is no way he can write a better introduction to this story than that posted by our old friend Rex Murphy in "The Yaniv outrage has left Canada, rightly, the laughing stock of the world", in the National Post, 27/7/19. Rex writes:
A friend of mine recently went to his local garage, claimed he was a re-conditioned ’79 Chevy Nova and asked them to do a timing check on the carburetor and rotate his tires. They said they wouldn’t because he didn’t have a carburetor, or tires, and they only worked on “cars.” He is off now to the local human rights tribunal (after a stop for spare parts at Canadian Tire).

The story Rex refers to has been widely reported in America, Australia and Britain, but not in Canada, where the big three (((controlled media))) -- the CBC, CTV, Global -- have agreed amongst themselves to bury it, for fear of offending the suddenly powerful "transgender community" or dealing a setback to the cause of "transgender rights". That would be because the actual story is so ridiculous, such an abuse of common sense, as to defy belief. As Blaire White -- herself post-op tranny -- points out, it really does look bad for the "community".

In a nutshell -- that word being perfect here -- it concerns the efforts of Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv, a self-identified pre-op (= still has testicles) transexual to get a Brazilian wax on his groin. He/she/xe has approached over a dozen businesses which offer the service -- all of them, curiously, operated by women -- and has for some reason(s) been turned down. The technicians have said that they are too busy, or haven't been trained to do that to people with ovular appendages, or are forbidden by the tenets of their religion.

Jonathan/Jessica is outraged that he/she/xe has been insulted and discriminated against, and has filed complaints with the British Columbia Human Rights Commission, which is already notorious for hearing frivolous complaints, as in their prosecution of Mark Steyn. Mr Murphy asks: " it simply enough...for someone to walk into its offices, self-declare 'I am a trans woman and I can't get my scrotum waxed,' and have them take on the case? Is that truly all it takes?"

What does this case tell us about the dominance of radical progressivism in western society, particularly on the Pacific coast (for BC is Canada's version of California, just not quite so degenerate...yet). The mind boggles. Anyway, here's Blaire White's take on the whole sordid mess.

Further viewing: Lindsay Shepherd, a young Canadian woman who has been raked over the coals, and banned from Twitter, for standing up for free speech and against progressive censorship, has had her Twitter account reinstated. Click here to watch her video on how she got banned and unbanned, and on human rights tribunals, the Yaniv case and its impact on the respondents. WARNING: Contains vulgar language related to female genitalia!

Footnote: Speaking of "transgender rights", a report just in from Pakistan says police have found the bodies of two transgender women who were tortured and beaten to death. Senior officer Mohammad Ali Zia says the bodies were recovered late Saturday from a locked house in eastern Punjab province. He says it's unclear what motivated the killings, which appear to have taken place three days ago. Transgender people are often subjected to abuse in the conservative, Muslim-majority shithole. They are also among the victims of so-called honour killings carried out by relatives to punish perceived sexual transgressions.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Beauty queen joins Women For Trump Coalition Advisory Board

This is a good news follow-up to "'Majority of blacks killed by other blacks' -- that's 'offensive'?", WWW 23/7/19. According to BPR: Business & Politics, Kathy Zhu, the conservative beauty queen who was stripped off her "Miss Michigan" title because of a couple of tweets that offended the SJWs and snowflakes, has a new gig with Team Trump. She is now a member of the Women For Trump Coalition Advisory Board! Congrats, Kathy!

President Trump's reelection campaign announced Thursday that Ms Zhu -- who happens to be a vizmin, by the way -- is now part of The Women for Trump Coalition Advisory Board, an official arm of the Trump 2020 reelection campaign. They tweeted, "Team Trump welcomes Kathy Zhu to the Official Women for Trump Coalition Advisory Board! [Kathy] is a patriot who has continued to stand for American values despite being stripped of her crown. Thank you for your support of President."

Ms Zhu, thrilled to be on board, tweeted her eagerness to reelect the president in these words. "I am so excited to now be part of the #WomenforTrump Coalition Advisory Board! Let’s get Trump re-elected for 2020 🇺🇸😁." Walt agrees and wishes Kathy Zhu all the best!

Friday, July 26, 2019

VIDEO: Krystal Ball says leftist media "Infowars conspiracy" hurt Dems

Not being a watcher of MSNBC, I had never heard of Krystal Ball until today. Doubting that that could be her real name, I Googled it, and found that according to Wikipedia, Krystal Marie Ball (DOB 24/11/81) is an American journalist [sic], politician ("Democratic" omitted), and news talk anchor on The Hill's news programme Rising with the Hill's Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti. She is also a businesswoman and certified public accountant, which of course made her eminently qualified to co-hos MSNBC's afternoon news/talk show The Cycle from June 2012 to July 2015. In the 2010 election, she ran for the Democratic Party in Virginia's 1st Congressional District. She lost.

Now somewhat removed from the institutional left, Ms Ball has turned (somewhat) on her former employer and colleagues at MSNBC, and admitted publicly that the abortive effort of the (((controlled media))) -- Hello not only to MSNBC but to CNN and the rest! -- to swing the 2016 presidential election and then enact a coup is doing a great deal to the Democrats. In this video, she concedes that the backlash against the Trump-hating media is only starting to play out. The 'Infowars conspiracy theory' on Russia and "this whole setup has done more damage to the Democrats' chances of winning back the White House than anything that Trump could ever have dreamed up." That's what the lady says.

Walt will eschew any jokes about cycles or crystal balls. Just watch the short (6:21) video.

Seen today on the Internet. [Is this right? Ed.]

Seen of landing page. That's all ye know and all ye need to know about the Once-Great Britain.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Max Bernier's PPC policy on immigration, in point form

In response to "Bernier's People's Party of Canada promises drastic cuts to immigration", WWW 25/7/19, one of Walt's agents, a founding member of the PPC, has forwarded an e-mail received from "Mad Max" hisself.

Our agent says the e-mail includes some points which our article left out, and encapsulizes what the PPC is saying better than I did. Here's the e-mail.

Yesterday, I unveiled our party’s platform on immigration, multiculturalism, and Canadian identity.

We will reduce immigration levels, from 350,000 each year under the Liberals, to between 100,000 and 150,000.

We will focus on skilled immigrants who bring economic benefits to Canada.

We will limit the number of immigrants accepted under the family reunification program, including abolishing the program for parents and grand-parents.

We will accept fewer refugees and focus on persecuted minorities.

We will declare the whole border an official port of entry and send back to the US anyone trying to enter illegally.

We will repeal the Multiculturalism Act and eliminate all funding to promote multiculturalism.

We will emphasize the integration of immigrants into Canadian society.

We will only accept immigrants who share fundamental Canadian values.

We will make birth tourism illegal.

We will take Canada out of the UN’s Global Compact for Migration.

Our immigration laws will be made in Canada, for the interest of Canadians.

Further reading: Click here to read "The People’s Party of Canada Position on Immigration and Multiculturalism" (the text of Maxime Bernier's speech), on the PPC website.

If you're a Canuck and like what you're reading, click here to join the People's Party of Canada. Only 5 beaverbucks for a year! Tell `em Walt sent ya!

Disclaimer: Walt has received no incentive or compensation from the PPC or anyone else for posting this!

Bernier's People's Party of Canada promises drastic cuts to immigration

Maxime Bernier, leader of the fledgling People's Party of Canada, yesterday called Islamism or "political Islam" a threat to Canada's values and way of life. Introducing his party's policy on immigration -- the ballot question in the upcoming Canuckistan election -- he said denounced mass immigration and "extreme multiculturalism," which he said are really "a very dangerous type of social engineering" which would lead to "social conflicts and potentially violence."

M Bernier went on to say that Canada must look after its own citizens first, and focus on newcomers who bring economic value to the country. A People's Party government, he said, would slash immigration and refugee numbers, build a fence to block asylum seekers from walking across the border, and end a program that lets immigrants sponsor their families to join them. "I can understand why immigrants would want to bring the rest of their extended family here, including older ones who will benefit from our health-care system," his text read, "but we cannot be the welfare state of the planet."

He pledged to reduce the number of immigrants admitted to Canada each year to 100,000 or 150,000 at most, if the economy and "other circumstances" allow that many. That's less than half the number currently being "welcomed" by Canuckistan's Liberal government (Just In Trudeau, Prop.) The so-called Conservatives refuse to divulge their target number, but under the last Tory government of Steve Harpoon, the number of immigrants increased to 250,000. Saying most Canadians agree with him, M Bernier cited polls suggesting up to half of respondents think immigration levels are too high.

On the question of refugees and asylum-seekers -- the issue that has most Canadians, including legal immigrants, seething -- M Bernier pledged to build fences at popular crossings for migrants between official ports of entry -- including the notorious Roxham Road "gateway" near Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle QC -- and to rely on private sponsorships for funding new immigrants rather than government support. His speech said that a People's Party government would focus on religious minorities in Muslim-majority countries and "members of sexual minorities" instead of refugees identified by the United Nations.

Another plank in the PPC's immigration platform promises to make each immigration applicant go through a face-to-face interview with a Canadian official to judge the applicant's values and his or her acceptance of Canadian societal norms. M Bernier quoted Salim Mansour -- a PPC candidate in an Ontario riding, who happens to be a Muslim -- who has written that official multiculturalism is a lie. "A lie based on the idea that all cultures are equal," said the party leader. "A lie destructive of our Western liberal democratic heritage, traditions, and values based on individual rights and freedoms."

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What's wrong with this picture? More Canuck political correctness

Scott Moe is the Premier (kind of like a US governor) of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, the heart of flyover country. Mr Moe is a small-C conservative, opposed to carbon taxes and other forms of liberal insanity. He is, therefore, an easy target for the progressives, SJWs, snowflakes and the Canuck (((controlled media))). Knowing that, you'd think that he'd have more sense than to pose for a picture at the wheel of this beautiful car.

That's right, folks. It's the "General Lee", not the original 1969 Dodge Charger which starred (?) in The Dukes of Hazzard TV series, but a replica which is going to be auctioned off this weekend, with the proceeds going to the Saskatchewan division of the Canadian Mental Health Association.

When Premier Moe tweeted out this picture on Monday, it was received with shrieks of horror and clutching of pearls by liberals, "anti-racists", SJWS and other snowflakes. "Don't you know what that flag means?" they shouted, referring to the Confederate battle flag which adorns the General's roof. "It stands for racism and white supremacy!!!"

Mr Moe says he "doesn't endorse the flag or what it symbolizes" but does support the Parkside Community Club's hard work raising funds for local organizations. For its part, the Mental Health Association has wimped out with a typically Canadian apology. Phyllis O'Connor, executive director of the CMHA in Saskatchewan, said she only learned of the auction through the premier's tweet. "We rely very heavily on community support and that's a wonderful thing," she said. "The problem was they didn't come to us and tell us they were doing this and we certainly had no input into the theme. One of our core values is inclusion. There is no room for racism, discrimination, hatred, none of that."

And a spokesthingy for the charity auction says organizers merely sought an authentic replica of the General Lee and did not mean to offend. He said last year's auction featured a replica of Lightning McQueen from the Cars movies and the one before that had a car inspired by the Joker from Batman.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

"Majority of blacks killed by other blacks" -- that's "offensive"?

You've seen this story, right? At left is the summary that appeared recently on the landing page of Canada's Notional Pest. The story is about Kathy Zhu, a beautiful (check out her Instagram page) 20-year-old of Chinese descent (Nota bene!) who won the Miss Michigan title recently, only to have it taken away from her over tweets which the PC police at Miss World America called "offensive" and "insensitive".

The first tweet that aroused the ire of the SJWs referred to Black Lives Matter. "Did you know the majority of black deaths are caused by other blacks?" Ms Zhu wrote on Twitter in October 2017. "Fix problems within your own community first before blaming others." Is that offensive? From here it looks like a statement of fact followed by a sensible suggestion about what needs to be done about black-on-black crime.

In February 2018, in a tweet she has since deleted, Ms Zhu criticized a World Hijab Day awareness event at the University of Central Florida, where she had been a student before transferring. "There’s a 'try a hijab on' booth at my college campus," she wrote. "So you're telling me that it's now just a fashion accessory and not a religious thing? Or are you just trying to get women used to being oppressed under Islam?"

In an interview this weekend, Ms Zhu said her tweets had been taken out of context and that she was punished for her conservative views. Not wanting to wear a hijab did not make her an Islamophobe, she added. Ms Zhu told the British Independent newspaper she believes "coming out as conservative is harder than coming out as gay in today's society... I stand by each and every one of my tweets on my account. It is honestly sad that the left refers to statistics and facts as racist and insensitive."

The real problem (for the gliberals and "progressives") is that Ms Zhu is not just on the conservative side of social issues, but that she is a supporter of President Trump. In this photo from her Instagram page, she wears the MAGA hat [Have you got yours yet? Ed.], and should probably consider herself lucky that she hasn't been assaulted by masked antifa types.

"I am very glad that I now have the opportunity to speak out about the unjust treatment of conservatives," Ms Zhu said this weekend. She also touched upon the response she's had on social media, saying it's been "mostly positive. People support that I've decided to stand my ground instead of compromise on my beliefs and values."

"But of course," she added, "the negative reactions are from those that either have not read the articles and just saw clickbait headlines or believe that statistics are racist." Indeed. She might have added, as well, that the (((controlled media))) always concentrate on what they consider "hate crime" rather than on a person's First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and... dare we say it... freedom of thought!

Footnote: Lucky for Ms Zhu she doesn't live in Canada, land of M-103. The ultra-Liberal government of Just In Trudeau is rumoured to be intent on resurrecting Section 13 of the Human Rights Act, which was used in the past to clobber free thinkers (Hello, Mark Steyn!) who dared to utter facts -- not opinions but facts -- about, errr, the "Religion of Peace". Fortunately for Canucks, they will have an opportunity in just under three months to undo the hyuge mistake they made in the fall of 2015.

Monday, July 22, 2019

VIDEO: Katie Hopkins: What Pres. Trump said about the Squad gives Americans a clear choice for 2020

We're still over 15 months away from the 2020 elections, but the "ballot question" was made clear last week when President Trump spoke about the Squad -- the socialist Democrat wimmin-of-colour who he invited to...

Well, what did he say? British journalist Katie Hopkins separates the lamestream media lies from the actual words the President used, and opines that "the @realDonaldTrump has made #2020 a bold and binary decision."

This is the quote from Ms Hopkins' Twitter account. "Are you going to choose socialists, choose ISIS, choose the Palestinian flag, choose Cair? Or are you going to choose to Make America Great Again? Choose @realDonaldTrump!"

VIDEO CENSORED BY YOU TUBE: When the Islamists seize power (warning from an Imam), posted by Sandra Solomon

FREEDOM OF SPEECH? WHAT'S THAT? It didn't even take the thought police at YouTube a full day to take down Sandra Solomon's video, even though all it contained was a rant by an Islamic extremist imam. I think I'll leave the window there, as mute testimony to the power of the pro-Islamist forces in our (((controlled media))).

This short (less than 2-minute) video was posted to YouTube by Sandra Solomon -- a Canuck who delights in poking the Trudeau bear -- as a warning to Canadians (and other Westerns) about what's in store for our countries if Islamic extremists game our democratic system to get their hands on the levers of power. Listen up, as Sheikh Ahmed Badran speaks of how Islam and Sharia law will be imposed on us infidels, and non-Muslims will never again be allowed to be rule over followers of the Prophet.

The videos Ms Solomon has posted on her YouTube channel, Voice of Solomon, have been condemned by the Canadian Broadcorping Castration and other agents of correct thinking for being "Islamophobic". Indeed, another YouTube video showing evidence of an imam claiming that if Mr Socks is re-elected, he will institute Sharia law, the legal code of Islam, based on the Quran, has already been "disappeared". Look out Sandra! M-103 is in force!

But the foolish Westerners who keep urging us to let the Muslims take over our countries were too late to stop the video from spreading. Before being removed from YouTube, it had over 50,000 views, and had been posted on at least three different Facebook, where it has already received nearly 200,000 likes, and has been shared more than 7000 times.

Footnote: Maxime Bernier, leader of the People's Party of Canada, will unveil his fledgling party's immigration policy on July 24th in Mississauga ON -- a city in which white, native-born Canadians are already a minority and new mosques are going up in every neighbourhood. We'll have video ASAP.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Seen on the Net, too good not to share

No comment necessary, just an invitation to send this to your liberal friends.

Further reading: "Wokeness at Warp Speed", by Mark Steyn, who's still out there fighting for free speech and common sense!

Monday, July 15, 2019

VIDEO: First Canadian Rosary Bowl to be held in Ottawa, August 22nd

Here's a heads-up for our Canadian Catholic readers! Keep the afternoon of Thursday, August 22nd clear for the first Rosary Bowl ever to be held in Canada, at TD Place in Ottawa.

What's a Rosary Bowl? And why is this one being held then and there? Dennis and Angelina Girard, founders of the Marian Devotional Movement, told LifeSite News that in 2017, the centenary of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatime, they vowed to restore devotion to the Rosary, following in the footstepts of Father Luc Desilets.

On Ascension eve in 1867, Fr Desilets went into the stone chapel at Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Québec, and found, to his horror, a pig beside the altar munching on a rosary. As M Girard relates the story, the young parish priest "picked up the mangled rosary, shooed the pig out of the chapel and said, 'Men have dropped the rosary and the swine have picked it up.'" Five years after making a vow to restore devotion to the Rosary in his parish, and re-establish enrollment in the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary, he had enrolled 3000 souls, and the parish that was dead, with a pig chewing a rosary, became too small for the number of parishioners.

The Rosary Bowl is the public recitation of the Rosary. As well, there will be brief remarks by Most Rev. Terrence Prendergast, Archbishop of Ottawa, and Bishop Pierre-Olivier Tremblay of Trois-Rivières QC.

The site is the stadium formerly known as Lansdowne Park, now called TD place, the home stadium for the Canadian Football League's Ottawa Redblacks. That wasn't the original plan! When the Girards were organizing a five-day pilgrimage from Ottawa to the Marian shrine at Cap-de-la-Madeleine, home of the miraculous statue of Our Lady of the Cape, who also bears the title of Our Lady of the Rosary, they planned only that pilgrims would visit the stadium which was the site of the massive five-day 1947 Marian Congress, when Canada's bishops consecrated the country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The Girards envisioned pilgrims strolling the grounds and comparing it to a photo of the historic Congress, which was attended by more than 1.5 million pilgrims, and numerous prelates, including Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York and József Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary. But then the VP of communications for TD Place suggested the Girards actually use the stadium. "I can give you the field for free between 2 and 3, on the feast of the Queenship of Mary," he told them.

"Can you imagine?" said M Girard. "We’ve got this hour window on the feast of the Queenship of Mary, where we're coming to pray the rosary. We are returning to the exact holy ground where our country was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1947 and we're bringing a Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of the Cape. And, of course, it's just a few weeks before the federal election as well, so we know Our Lady has orchestrated this, because we sure didn’t plan it."

"In the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1432," M Girard told LifeSite News, "you find out that conversion is first the work of God, and He does it by pouring grace on hardened hearts, so we need more grace. That's the idea, getting everybody to enroll, so you can unleash this torrent of grace upon the policy makers. And in a devotional sense, you can't beat a whole flock of people, the whole church, praying the Rosary together."

Click here for more information on the Rosary Bowl and the pilgrimage to Cap-de-la-Madeleine. And yes, we have a short (59-second) video. Here it is.

We encourage our readers -- not just Canadians but Americans and anyone who can get there -- to attend the Rosary Bowl (it's FREE) and other pilgrimage events. You will surely receive many graces for doing so, and it's just possible that your prayers may help Canada, which desperately needs conversion to turn away from the secular humanism espoused by its nominally Catholic prime minister, and turn back to God and the Christian values on which the country was built.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

VIDEO: Venerable Fulton J. Sheen interviewed by Wm. F. Buckley Jr.

We have a long (53:20) and serious video for you, suitable for a Sunday when one should spend at least some time reflecting on higher matters. This is Episode 186 of Firing Line with William F. Buckley, Jr., recorded on 6 January 1970. Mr. Buckley's guest is Archbishop Fulton J.Sheen, whose earthly remains have recently been returned to the Diocese of Peoria and whose cause for beatification is now proceeding. Although the interview is almost half a century old, it still provides many insights which are relevant to a world which has become much worse in the intervening years.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

How Canuck lamestream media "whitewash" news of black crime

There was another shooting in northwest Toronto last night. Gangbangers are a real menace in certain parts of "Toronto the Good", which is fast becoming a world-class city, like, errr, Chicago. 95% of the time, the victims are black and so are the perps. Everyone who watches the local newscasts knows it -- just watch the videos of bodies, alive and dead, being wheeled away from the scene on gurneys -- but the (((controlled media))) are deliberately colour-blind on that point.

Particularly reluctant to admit that black crime is a serious problem in the "Greater Toronto Area" is Canada's state-owned broadcaster, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and its flagship TV station, CBLT. Here's a screen grab of how CBC News reported last night's "incident".

Contrast the last sentence of the text with Inspector Knacker's tweet, immediately below. Notice the missing word in the CBC's suspect description? You might think "independent" media would be a little more honest and realistic, but now that they are to receive some C$650,000,000 from the Liberal government because, as everyone knows, the media are struggling financially, they are being even more circumspect than the CBC. The CBC's biggest rival, CTV, didn't give any suspect information at all!

Further reading: "'Project Kraken' proves Greater Toronto a really multicultural city", WWW 29/6/19.

Friday, July 12, 2019

July 13th: Nathan Bedford Forrest Day! Huzzah!

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has proclaimed Saturday, July 13th, as Nathan Bedford Forrest Day in Tennessee, a day of observation to honor the former Confederate general and early Ku Klux Klan leader.

State law, still on the books despite the efforts of the usual suspects, requires the Tennessee governor to issue proclamations for six separate days of special observance. Three of those days, including Forrest Day, pertain to personages and events in the history of the Confederate States of America, of late remembrance. January 19th is Robert E. Lee Day, honouring the commander of the Confederate Army. June 3rd is Confederate Decoration Day, otherwise known as Confederate Memorial Day, also the birthday of President Jefferson Davis.

To kind of even things up, the statute instructs the governor to proclaim those three days of special observation along with Abraham Lincoln Day (February 12th), Andrew Jackson Day (March 15th) and Veterans Day (November 11th). The law invites the people of Tennessee "to observe the days in schools, churches, and other suitable places with appropriate ceremonies expressive of the public sentiment befitting the anniversary of such dates."

In the Forrest proclamation, identical to the one issued each year by former Governor Bill Haslam, Lieutenant-General Forrest is described as a "recognized military figure in American history and a native Tennessean." The text goes on to say that the Governor encourages "all citizens to join (him) in this worthy observance."

Canuck Muslim journalist among dead in Somalia car bombing

Somalia is a failed state, a place where Muslims have been killing other Muslims for decades, fighting for control of what is essentially a shithole. But, according to the liberals and apologists for the Islamists, things are getting better. Peace could break out at any time!

That was the message Hodan Naleyeh, a Muslim immigrant to Canada and former journalist, wanted to get out to the world. So, back home she went. Sadly, she didn't get to do a lot of reporting, as she was killed after a car bomb exploded today at a hotel in Somalia's port city of Kismyass. [Kismayu! Ed.]

The Somali Journalists Syndicate said in a statement it had confirmed Ms Naleyeh was one of two journalists among the dead. "Mohamed Omar Sahal, SBC TV correspondent based in Kismayu and Hodan Naleyeh, female TV journalist and founder of Integration TV (are) both among (those) killed," said Abdalle Ahmed Mumin, the syndicate's secretary general.

The SJS statement went on to say that Ms Naleyeh had recently returned to Somalia after living in Canada for years "to help showcase Somalia’s peaceful transformation." -30- [= end of story. Ed.]

Fruits of majority rule in South Africa: called in to quell black crime

Until 1994, voting in South Africa was restricted to whites and "honorary whites" (like Japanese), with a limited franchise for "Asians" (= South Asians) and "coloured" (= people of mixed race). If you were black -- sometimes identifiable by the measurement of your lips -- you couldn't vote at all. This was just one aspect of the apartheid (= separate development) system for which South Africa condemned as hopeless neadnderthal racists by liberals and "right-thinking people" around the world.

All that changed on 27 April 1994 when all citizens were allowed to vote, regardless of colour. The result -- a foregone conclusion -- was just what the gliberals and United Nations demanded -- "majority rule". Saint Nelson Mandela became the first black president, and blacks -- the majority in question -- were at last empowered and given their rightful place at the trough. April 27th is now a national holiday -- "Freedom Day".

Those who suggested that the majority were perhaps "not quite ready" to run their country, and that South Africa would "go back to bush, like the countries north of the Limpopo" were dismissed as sore losers, churls, racists, yada yada yada.

In 1994, the murder rate in Cape Town, seat of South Africa's parliament, was on the order of 20 per 100,000 people. Not great, but also not as bad as places like, errr, Chicago. By Y2K it had shot up to 45 per 100,000. In the first six months of this year -- the 25th year of majority rule -- nearly 2000 people were murdered in the Western Cape (Cape Town's province), according to Albert Fritz, a provincial official tasked with ensuring community safety.

Mr Fritz spoke following more than a dozen murders over one weekend in June. "Many of our most vulnerable residents in the province are living in a war zone," he told the meeja. Most of the bloodshed has been in black and coloured areas, particularly a vast area called Cape Flats, where high rates of unemployment and drug abuse have fuelled gang activity.

In a crime made headlines last week, six women between ages 18 and 26 were killed when unknown gunmen entered a home and opened fire. The next day, another five men, aged 18 to 39, were shot dead and one was injured in two separate shooting incidents in Philippi, one of the shanty towns within Cape Flats.

Police Minister Bheki Cele visited Philippi following the "incidents" to announce that the national government will shortly deploy a battalion of soldiers to help police quell a surge in violence in gang-infested parts of Cape Town, a step normally only taken over the Christmas and New Year period when crime spikes in poorer neighbourhoods. This initiative will be known as "Operation PROSPER". Seriously.

Hardly a lasting solution, according to Gareth Newham, of the Pretoria-based Institute for Security Studies, who called it "a short-term, unsustainable response to a crisis." But what would he know? He's a whitey, obviously a racist living (in his mind) in pre-Freedom Day South Africa. Why doesn't he just leave, as so many other "white flees" have done and go to a safe place like, errr, Chicago.

Footnote: In a report this year by the The Citizens Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice, only three of the world's top 50 most dangerous cities not from the Americas 50 were in South Africa, with Cape Town at 11th overall with a homicide rate of 66.36 per 100,000 residents.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

VIDEOS: Tucker Carlson: Omar proves US immigration laws dangerous

President Trump supports Tucker Carlson's comments about radical Democrat Congresswoman [Congressperson? Ed.] Ilhan Omar.

So does Walt.

[Hold on, Walt! We have an update! Ed.] Predictably, Ms Omar played the race card, accusing Tucker Carlson of racism, sexism, yada yada yada. Here is Mr Carlson's response.

Is this Islamophobic? Translation please!

Stories of crimes by "refugees", asylum-seekers and other -- mostly Muslim -- migrants appear in the European media every day. Particularly abhorrent are the rapes and murders of white women by Muslims from the shitholes of North Africa and the Middle East. Although I doesn't read Polish, I suspect the message of this poster is that Europeans are sick, sore and tired of having to put up with that kind of thing.

The poster appeared on Blazing Cat Fur today with a link to a story on SputnikNews headed "Gang Rape by Boys Aged 12, 14 Triggers Debate on Lowering Criminality Age in Germany". They report the victim -- an 18-year-old woman -- of a sexual assault by a five-strong gang of boys, aged from 12 to 14, was found nearly unconscious in the bushes in the industrial German city of Mulheim.

Although the SputnikNews story doesn't refer to the race, ethnicity or religion of the perps in either case -- reporting those things, or even the names of the accused, is verboten in the Fatherland -- most readers would jump [not very far. Ed.] to the conclusion that the yoofs were Muslim migrants.

But for now, all we know is that some of the "boys" will escape prosecution entirely, because the minimum age of criminal responsibility is 14 in Germany and several other European countries, and 15 in Scandinavia, where such occurrences are even more common. And yet, they are still still minors -- until the age of 18! -- in the eyes of the United Nations High Commission on Refugees.

The head of the German police union told the meeja, "For years we've been demanding that the age of criminal responsibility be lowered in Germany." The head of the German Association of Judges was quick to invoke political correctness. Hey, they're only kids! And Muslim kids at that! Show a little compassion...

Further reading:
"Iraqi asylum seeker, 22, is jailed for life for raping and murdering girl, 14, with 'exceptional severity' in case that sparked anti-migrant protests across Germany", Daily Mail 10/7/19.
"Mutter: 'Bringt mir meine Tochter nicht zurück'", Bild 10/7/19.

Monday, July 8, 2019

SORRY! Swiss aerial display team flies over yodeling festival by mistake

The following article was scraped off the Deutsche Welle website. We hope they won't mind. We repost it here, exactly as written. Any smart-aleck comments would be superfluous. Ed.

Switzerland's Patrouille Suisse squadron has apologized for making a fly-by over the wrong municipality. Instead of marking the centenary of an aviation pioneer's death, it startled visitors at a yodeling event.

The commander of the Swiss air force's aerobatics team has apologized after a fly-by on Saturday that was meant to have taken place over the birthplace of Swiss aviation pioneer Oskar Bider was held over a nearby municipality instead, Swiss media have reported.

The Patrouille Suisse squadron had been engaged to fly over Langenbruck, where Bider was born in 1891, but instead made its pass over Mümliswil, some 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) away, after the team leader was misled by seeing a tent for a yodeling festival.

The Swiss Defense Ministry was quoted by The Associated Press as saying that the formation had been distracted by an unauthorized helicopter in the area.

According to the Swiss paper Neue Zürcher Zeitung, an army spokesman said the error was not worrying. The newspaper quoted him as saying that the planes, all F-5E Tiger II jets, were more than 40 years old and navigated using "map, felt pen and sight."

The aircraft were not equipped with GPS devices or other modern technology and were no longer used for combat operations, he was quoted as saying.

Oskar Bider, who died in a crash on June 7, 1919, at the age of just 28, is famous, among other things, for having made the first aerial crossing of the Alps in both directions, a feat he accomplished in 1913.

VIDEO: What's wrong with relativism? Brian Holdsworth explains

The dictionary defintion of relativism is: the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist in relation to culture, society, or historical context, and are not absolute. In other words, there is no absolute right or wrong, no absolute good or evil, and, of course, no religion which possesses the whole and absolute truth about God (who may or may not exist) and our relationship with Him.

In this short video (7 minutes), Brian Holdsworth, the pride of St. Albert AB, takes a closer look at relativism, and why it's totally incompatible with being a Catholic. So also with socialism. You can't be a "Catholic socialist" or a "socialist Catholic", or, for that matter, a "liberal Catholic" or a "conservative Catholic". Can one describe oneself as a "traditional Catholic"? This video certainly got me thinking, so I commend it to you.

Thought for the day from Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

We last visited the cause for the canonization of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, officially opened in 2002, in November of 2013. See "Cause for beatification of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen to proceed", WWW 19/11/16. In June 2012, Pope Benedict XVI officially recognized a decree from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints stating that the prelate had "lived a life of heroic virtues" -- a major step towards beatification -- and was thus to be referred to as "Venerable."

There was then a dispute between the Diocese of Peoria, which was Abp. Sheen's home, and the Archdiocese of New York, where his earthly remains were interred at St Patrick's Cathedral. On June 7th, the final appeal by the Archdiocese of New York was rejected yet again by the New York Court of Appeals. With that definitive ruling, the Archdiocese of New York and the Diocese of Peoria cooperated in making arrangements for the transfer of the body to Peoria, according to Church and civil law.

And so, early in the morning of June 27th, the earthly remains of Archbishop Sheen were returned at last to the Diocese of Peoria and the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, where he will be interred in a shrine prepared and waiting for him. Most Rev Daniel Jenky, Bishop of Peoria, announced that the cause for beatification had resumed. And on July 5th, Pope Francis approved a miracle that occurred through the intercession of Archbishop Sheen, clearing the way for his beatification.

Alternativ für Deutschland tipped to make big gains in fall elections

On the theory that one good picture of a right-handed salute (see yesterday's post about the Greek elections) deserves another, here's a photo of Björn Höcke, a rising star in the Alternativ für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany) party.

The AfD has been described as a right-wing party. [That's right! Ed.] Herr Höcke is the leader of a faction which is shifting the policies of the party even further to the right, to a position which the German state broadcaster, Deutsche Welle, describes as "hard nationalist". This division was manifest this weekend in an AfD conference in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, an AfD stronghold, which ended abruptly with the resignation of nine of the party's twelve board members.

The resignation left the state party under the control of deputy chairman Thomas Röckemann, a supporter of the Björn Höcke wing. Herr Höcke used his speech at the annual "Kyffhäuser" meeting to deny that immigrants had ever been economically beneficial to Germany. He told supporters that "the policy of open borders practiced for decades, ever since 1955, this irrational migration policy for which the old parties are responsible, has bled us financially, as if we had lost another war."

Elsewhere in the Fatherland, three eastern states -- Brandenburg, Saxony, and Thuringia -- are due to elect new parliaments in the fall. The AfD is currently polling in first or second place in all three states. Should be interesting!

Footnote: The part of the poster partially visible behind Herr Höcke in the photo reads (translated) "Our culture!" Sounds a lot like "Ein volk!", doesn't it.

Further reading: "One-worlders quake with fear as nationalists win elections everywhere", WWW 21/5/19.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

UPDATED: Another victory for the right! This time it's Greece!

For some reason, European (and North American) liberals have their hair on fire about this man, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, being elected on Sunday as Prime Minister of Greece. Can't be because his name is a mouthful for non-speakers of Greek. Maybe it's the optics of his victory salute. Or, more likely, it's the fact that his conservative New Democracy party delivered a body blow to pinko Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras after a tumultuous four years of socialist misrule, following the trend set last year by the Italians.

The pollsters and (((controlled media))) were taken by surprise, of course, having predicted Mr Tsipras would win the snap election called a few weeks ago. They were out of touch, it seems, with the feelings of nearly 40% of Greek voters, tired of crippling austerity (imposed by the European Union after Greece nearly crashed out of the Euro), not to mention high unemployment and the problems caused by millions of "refugees" and asylum-seekers washing up on the shores of the Greek islands.

Mr Mitsotakis said he had a clear mandate for change, pledging more investments and fewer taxes. "I am committed to fewer taxes, many investments, for good and new jobs, and growth which will bring better salaries and higher pensions in an efficient state," he said in his victory speech. Although Mr Mitsotakis is regarded as a moderate, New Democracy was accused by the lefties of "harbouring members with right-wing views", including many who left the ultra-right Golden Dawn party to back a winner and get rid of the liberals.

Strategic voting was in evidence with early results suggesting Golden Dawn might not reach the 3% threshold needed to enter the Greek parliament under the country's proportional representation system. It's possible, however, that Mr Mitsotakis may need their support should New Democracy fail to garner enough votes to form a majority government. Stay tuned.

FURTHER READING ADDED 25/7/19: "Why the outcome of Greece's election could spell danger for Justin Trudeau", opinion by George Athanassakos and Ben Graham in the Financial Post, 25/7/19.

MAD no longer

It was a noisy weekend in this neck of the woods, what with the July 4th celebrations and all. Independence Day was great, if not greater than ever. We didn't see any tanks rolling down main street but the Fort Mudge fire department put some extra wax on Old Number 1 and it looked great, pulled by those beautiful white horses. Over at the Arts Park (named after Art Holmgren, Art Ross and Art Fuldodger) last night concluded with a truly spectacular fireworks show, which must have lasted half an hour. Good weekend to be proud to be an American!

Walt was saddened, though, to hear that one of America's greatest-ever magazines, MAD, will no longer be available on newsstands after next month's issue. After that, they're going to do only reprints (with new covers) until subscriptions expire, and then it's lights out.

Perhaps it's just as well. The mag isn't what it was in the glory days of the `50s and `60s, when I first discovered it. Founded in 1952 by editor Harvey Kurtzman and publisher William Gaines, MAD launched as a comic book before it switching to a larger magazine format.

So it was when I first saw it on the shelf (amidst the Disney and Warner Bros. "comics") at McQueen's Variety Store (on Queen Street, natch). I was dismayed to see that the cover price was a whole quarter -- half my allowance for a week -- and more dismayed that Old Man McQueen, being a dour Scot, didn't take kindly to kids thumbing through his wares. I was forced to take a paper route to finance my reading.

I couldn't help it. I was hooked on MAD's well-written and well-illustrated satire on all aspects of life and popular culture, politics, entertainment, and public figures. My liking for their "humour in a jugular vein" (the subtitle to the early comic books) was heightened by the contributions of guest writers, notably Bob and Ray, whose radio show I never missed.

In its earliest years, MAD frequently used outside "name" talent, with Bob and Ray's [Bob's and Ray's? Ed.] contributing no fewer than 12 pieces, more than anyone else. MAD simply illustrated their preexisting material. When MAD learned that Tom Koch was the writer behind the Bob and Ray radio sketches, the editors hired him, and he wrote more than 300 MAD articles over the next 37 years.

Second only to Bob and Ray, Ernie Kovacs -- one of my TV favourites in the `50s -- contributed 11 pieces. His off-the-wall humour was perfect for MAD, if not for your average boob tube viewer. Other irregular contributors included Tom Lehrer, Wally Cox, Stan Freberg, Henry Morgan, and Sid Caesar. There were also single pieces by Charles M. Schulz, Chevy Chase, Will Eisner (the great "dark" illustrator), Jean Shepherd, Jules Feiffer, and the late great Walt Kelly, creator of Pogo.

MAD didn't rely solely on guest shots. It had its own excellent (and not-so-excellent) writers and illustrators, as well as writer-illustrators like Don Martin and Dave Berg. I was never a fan of either of them. Don Martin, in particular, pandered to the truly juvenile. Too bad he couldn't illustrate fart jokes.

The artists deserving of the name who stick in my mind were Wally Wood, Mort Drucker, Bill Elder and Jack Davis. Their work graces the issues of the `50s and `60s, and can be found in pocket-book collections of the early issues. Their drawings were really edgy. Wally Wood, in particular, used to crowd every panel with little bits and pieces which would only reveal themselves to the keen and careful reader. The more anodyne style of the more recent illustrators was, IMHO, one of the reasons for MAD's fall from the heights.

In 2015, "Weird Al" Yankovic served as MAD's first and only guest editor, writing some material and guiding the content in issue #533, while upping his own career Mad byline total from two to five. On social media this weekend "Weird Al" expressed his sorrow at the magazine's demise. "I am profoundly sad to hear that after 67 years, MAD Magazine is ceasing publication," said the singer-songwriter. "I can't begin to describe the impact it had on me as a young kid--it's pretty much the reason I turned out weird. Goodbye to one of the all-time greatest American institutions. #ThanksMAD."

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Join the celebration! Make Independence Day great again!

Ever been to a Bastille Day parade? I have, years ago, in the City of Light itself. So has President Trump, recently... like last year. He came away very impressed with the show of power and glory [not to mention pomp and circumstance. Ed.] put on by the French armed forces. Evidently he came away thinking, "If these cheese-eating surrender-monkeys can put on a show like that, when they haven't won even one war without help since the Middle Ages, why can't we have a bigger and better celebration of American power and glory... like next year?!"

And so it shall be. To hell with the beatniks, peaceniks, refuseniks and fascist antifas! Join the celebration! Make Independence Day great again!

[AND ED.! ED.]

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

George Carlin predicts Islamic extremists will win

Here's something the late George Carlin wrote in When Will Jesus Bring the Porkchops? (Hyperion Books, 2004). Walt's guess is that nobody paid much attention because no-one ever knew whether or not to take George seriously. They... we... should have listened. Mr Carlin made us laugh, so we thought he was just being funny. But he was serious... deadly serious!

I hope you good, loyal Americans understand that in the long run the Islamist extremists are going to win. Because you can't beat numbers, and you can't beat fanaticism -- the willingness to die for an idea.

A country like ours, preoccupied with Jet Skis, off-road vehicles, snow boards, Jacuzzis, microwave ovens, pornography, lap dances, massage parlors, escort services, panty liners, penis enhancement, tummy tucks, thongs and Odor Eaters doesn't have a prayer -- not even a good, old-fashioned Christian prayer -- against a billion fanatics who hate that country, detest its materialism and have nothing really to lose. Maybe fifty years ago, but not today when germs and chemicals and nuclear materials are for sale everywhere.

People who don't give a shit and have nothing to lose will always prevail over people who are fighting for some vague sentiment scrawled on a piece of parchment. Folks, they're gonna getcha; and it ain't gonna be pleasant.

We can't drop a five-thousand-pound bomb on every one of them. They will either run all over us or, in trying, they will turn us into even bigger monsters than we already are.

And don't get all excited about this goofy idea, "the spread of democracy". No matter who the United States puts in charge to bring peace and order in Iraq or Palestine or anywhere else, those people will be killed. It's that simple. Anyone who supports the United States will be killed. Peace and order will not be tolerated. Start saving your cash for the black market, folks, you're gonna need it.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Pope Francis: "Need some more nails?"

At the request of our old friend, Michael J. Matt, editor of The Remnant Newspaper, Walt is pleased to repost this visual comment on the crisis in the Roman Catholic Church.

Mr Matt writes:

The war is on. The situation in Rome is beyond desperate.

Martin Luther was a Catholic priest who apostatized and got married. Francis -- a big fan of Luther's -- now wants to exploit the Amazon people and use them as an excuse to abolish the celibate priesthood.

One of the original four dubia cardinals, Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, recently called the Vatican’s working document (Instrumentum Laboris) for the upcoming Pan-Amazon Synod, "heretical" and an “apostasy” from Divine Revelation. He called upon Church leaders to "reject" it with all "decisiveness."

Francis must be stopped!

Footnote: I see that Mr Matt now refers to the pope as "Francis"... not "Pope Francis". This means something. There are those who have maintained since Day One that Jorge Bergoglio was not validly elected as pope. Indeed, they say, he couldn't be, since there was already a Pope -- Benedict XVI -- who could not, as a matter of canon law, abdicate or resign. That debate will continue until God removes one or both of them from the scene and we get a new pope who holds and teaches the Faith of our Fathers. So let us pray.

German Muslims irate over "Islamophobic" cartoons

Here we go again, with Muslim extremists and "progressives" around the world pissing and moaning about "Islamophobic" and (of course) "racist" cartoons by Franziska Becker, a German feminist artist. Unlike the Danish cartoons, which caused such righteous (if you're Muslim) indignation a couple of years ago, these cartoons do not depict the Prophet Mohammed. For some reason, though, liberals and multiculti types find them offensive. You be the judge!

Regarding the translation, according to a poster on Blazing Cat Fur, "Tja" is a slang term, something like LOL... or an expression that the apocalypse is at hand!

The second cartoon, below, was apparently inspired by the decision of the youth welfare office for the German state of Rhineland Palatinate to revoked the operating license of a Muslim kindergarten which promoted extremist Salafist ideology. See "Germany closes Muslim kindergarten over Islamist links".

Franziska Becker's works have come under the spotlight after the Female Journalists Association (Journalistinnenbund) awarded her a prize for her "keen-witted and sharp-tongued" depiction of men and women. The group hailed Becker as "one of the most prominent, feminism-oriented successful personalities"... until, that is, she published these cartoons making fun of Sharia Law and the Islamization of the Fatherland. Imagine that.

To all our Canadian readers, HAPPY CANADA DAY!

On this 152nd anniversary of Confederation, here's a
special message for our Canuck friends and readers
from Walt, Pure Len [and Ed.! Ed.]

If you want your country to last another 152 years, or even 15 years or 1 year...

Note from Ed.: Dear me! I hope that Elections Canada (which, as we all know, is absolutely independent of the Liberal Party) won't regard this message as some kind of foreign meddling in the upcoming election.