Sunday, March 31, 2019

VIDEO: Pentagon to contract out military guard duties at the Capitol

The Congressional Budget Office, always on the alert for ways to reduce spending -- particularly when we don't know if there will be any budget at all -- read with interest documents from the United Nations confirming that countries volunteering uniformed personnel to peacekeeping operations are reimbursed by the UN at a standard rate, approved by the General Assembly last year, of $1428 per soldier per month.

The money doesn't actually go to the troops but to the governments of those countries. How much of the money actually finds its way into the soldiers' pockets is a mystery. But even if they got all of it, $1428 per month isn't a lot, is it. Compare that with the basic pay of an American soldier, sailor or airman. They probably get three or four times the salary of someone from, say, Chad. That thought, dear readers, engendered an idea in the tiny mind of someone at the CBO, who passed it on to the Pentagon.

Thus, in a brilliant cost-saving measure, the US military has decided to contract out non-combat duties to the armed forces of other countries. "Non-combat duties" include things like forming honour guards at places like the Capitol. "Other countries" includes the likes of the People's Republic of China. Effective today, the Chinese military will take over from American troops responsibilities for guarding the Capitol, the White House and other important sites.

Visitors who are paying attention will observe such ceremonies as the Mounting of the Guard being performed with more precision and efficiency, and at much lower cost. Yes, we have video.

Note from Ed.: Oups! Looks like I posted this about six hours early. Hit "publish" instead of "save". It was supposed to appear tomorrow, April 1st. If you need me to explain why it makes a difference, never mind, just keep writing to your Congressthingy.

A romantic encounter with a redhead

Poor Len Canayen here. Walt is feeling poorly again [Who's Poorly? Ed.] and isn't up to writing, and I don't want to say anything about les Glorieux until this time next week, so I'll just pass along this nice little story that Agent 6 told me.

A man was dining alone in a fancy restaurant. A gorgeous redhead was sitting at the next table. He had been checking her out since he sat down, but lacked the nerve to talk with her. Suddenly she sneezed, and her glass eye came flying out of its socket towards the man. He reflexively reached out, grabbed it out of the air, and handed it back.

"Oh my! I am so sorry!", said the woman, as she popped her eye back in place. "Let me buy your dinner to make it up to you."

They enjoyed a wonderful dinner together. Afterwards they went to the theatre and then to a bar for drinks. They talked, they laughed, she shared her deepest dreams and he shared his. She listened to him with interest.

After paying for everything, she asked him if he would like to come to her place for a nightcap and stay for breakfast. They had a wonderful, wonderful time. The next morning, she cooked a gourmet meal with all the trimmings.

The guy was amazed. Everything had been so incredible! "You know," he said, "you are the perfect woman. Are you this nice to every guy you
"No," she replied, adding...
"You're just the first man who happened to catch my eye."

Thursday, March 28, 2019

VIDEO: Max Bernier responds to accusations of Islamophobia, says his People's Party won't include affirmative action in candidate selection

Predictably, Max Bernier, leader of the new People's Party of Canada, has been the target of criticism from the lamestream media and liberal politicians (including all the liberals in the Not-So-Conservative Party) for failing to rend his garments and tear out his hair over the Christchurch massacre. At a presser to announce the beginning of his party's candidate recruitment drive, he responded to accusations that by saying nothing he was "stoking racism and Islamophobia". He was also accused of supporting white supremacism by not making affirmative action a part of the PPC's candidate selection process. Here's how he answered.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Illegal alien arrested for boffing a cow

Every once in a while I post a story about bestiality -- having sex with an animal -- because, to be honest, I find such stories weird and amusing. ["Is that a sin, Father?" Ed.] Last time, in a story from Zimbabwe, the animal was a goat. Today's story comes from closer to home, i.e. Starr County TX.

According to the (UK) Daily Mail, a Mexican national named Jose Nino was arrested by sheriff's deputies after being tipped off by the Border Patrol that they witnessed a man who they said appeared to be "having sex with a cow." The CBP agents gave the deputies the location and a description of the suspect, and next thing you know it was cowitus interruptus! [Arrgghh! Ed.]

Reminds me of the old joke about the two British officers talking in the mess during the occupation of Egypt in World War I. "Did you hear about Medley-Jones?" says one to the other. "Got drummed out of the corp for having it off with a camel."
"Male or female camel?", asks the other.
"Female of course," responds the first. "Nothing wrong with old Smedley-Jones!"

Note from Ed.: I had a look through the archives and found that the Zimbabwe story was not the most recent on the topic of zoophilia. Just last december we posted "Egyptian woman jailed for sexual harassment... of monkey!" So let's hear from gender equity and species equity!

Monday, March 25, 2019

You know you're "old school" when...

Poor Len `ere. Hed. asked if I could write a column and give Walt a break, since Walt is feeling under the weather. So here it is. But this is not about hockey. This is about getting old, which, to be honest, sucks.

Walt and I have been discussing we are really old (we have the same birthday) or just "old-school", meaning old(er) in our likes and habits, if not our bodies. [How about "both"? Ed.] We made a list of how to tell if you're "old school". Here it is. You know you're old school when...

You get your change back in bills and you put them all going the same direction.

You use the word "secretary" and not the phrase "administrative assistant".

You don't mind eating leftovers or wearing the same clothes for years.

You don't have any tattoos.

A "cents-off" coupon still motivates you to buy.

You still enjoy getting the paper off the driveway or porch and reading it.

You hand a child your phone and say "Would you fix this thing?"

You see value in food and items thrown away and remember your family's stories of the Great Depression.

"Budget" wasn't a bad word and "credit" was.

Duct tape was the handyman's secret weapon -- a fix for anything.

You squeeze every little bit out of the tube or keep the bottle upside down until it's empty.

You would rather go the office and drop off your résumé than post it online.

You thought a mouse was a rodent, a cloud was white and up in the sky, and Amazon was a river.

"Illegal" meant against the law, not an alien you're supposed to welcome as your neighbour.

It saddens you to keep seeing misspelled words, grammatical howlers and (especially) apostrophe errors in newspapers and magazines. (That one was for Ed.!)

You remember when real men played hockey without helmets and a hundred pounds of body armour. (That one's for me!)

You're browsing through the antique section of a resale shop and remember the days of LPs, 8-tracks, Coke bottles, and all those wonderful things that no-one makes any more.

Don't let anyone "age shame" you! There's nothing wrong with being "old school" or even just plain OLD! Everyone gets that way, sooner or later. Next time one of your kids makes fun of you for clinging to your old school ways [and values! Ed.], just smile and say "Just you wait..."

Conclusion? No collusion! Mueller punts!

Now comes the payback. The American people have been lied to for two years. The whole "collusion with Russia" affair turns out to be pretty much a hoax. Hoaxes don't just occur by something like spontaneous combustion. Somebody started, somebody perpetuated it. Let them be found.

Comment from Blazing Cat Fur: There is a pall hanging over the left side of the internet today. The disappointment is palpable. How is this possible, they’re asking? We were so certain that the president of the United States was a traitor — that Hillary Clinton didn't lose the 2016 election because she was the worst candidate in modern history, but because Trump and the Russians worked together to steal it. It's like election night, November 2016, all over again.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mueller comes down squarely astride the fence

Breaking news from America's capital: Attorney General William Barr‘s summary of the long-awaited report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller was made public this afternoon. It quotes Mr Mueller as saying that "while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." How about that...

Nearly two years and millions of dollars spent trying to find something for which to indict President Trump, and all Mr Mueller can say is that he declines to make a "traditional prosecutorial judgement" on allegations of obstruction of justice. Walt calls for a Special Investigation into this colossal waste of taxpayers' money. More later.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Macron calls out army to quell Yellow Vests demonstration

Walt is watching the French (and other European media) this weekend for news of what could be a bloody clash between the French army and "yellow vests" ("gilet jaunes") protesters on the Champs-Élysées, expected in a couple of hours, at sundown. Wussy French President Emmanuel Macron has issued a directive banning protests from the most famous main street in the world, but just in case the yellow vests ignore it, he has ordered soldiers to be deployed. Some reports indicate they are being told to avoid protesters, while others indicate they have been given permission to open fire.

The soldiers have reportedly been redeployed from anti-terror Operation Sentinel duties, and are expected to be placed around government buildings and other sensitive areas, but communication about their exact role has been poor, according to Le Point. The military deployment, which follows renewed violence last Saturday, has been slammed by many, including Les Republicains senator Bruno Retailleau, who labelled it a "fatal decision".

We shall see. Meanwhile, click here to find out "What the 'Yellow Vests' want for France" (WWW 10/12/18.) It may be good for us too!

Some prescient thoughts about "safe spaces" and the American media

Walt here. As Ed. told you, I'm a bit under the weather [clear and cold. Ed.] but the news that the Mueller report is likely to prove a colossal dud cheers me up enough strengthens me to attach the keyboard for awhile. What follows are excerpts from penultimate chapter of a book which I'll identify at the end. [No peeking. Ed.] Your task is to guess the date on which it was written. The picture of the author may help. Or not.

"The world is full of dangerous ideas, and we are both naive and stupid if we believe that the way to prepare intelligent young [people] to face the world is to try to protect them from such ideas while they are in college. Four years in an insulated nursery will produce gullible innocents, not tough-minded realists who know what they believe because they have faced the enemies of their beliefs." [Quoting Dean Wilbur J. Bender of Harvard University]

As a people...we could all stand a little more education. ...I did not get the impression in my travels up and down the country...that we were very well informed either about the world or our own land; nor did we always grasp the very issues on which our existence depended. The public opinion polls piled up evidence of our ignorance. Even Dr. Gallup...confessed that "today for the first time I am concerned lest lack of information lead the American people to decisions which they will regret."

...the amazing thing was not that the good people could read a newspaper and listen to the newscasts daily and still be so ignorant, but that their daily journals and news broadcasts were of such an amazingly low quality that the millions who read and listened were bound to be left in almost total ignorance of what was going on in the world.

...Have our newspapers lost a sense of their historical function to keep the public informed about the issues of the day? asked Dr Gallup. "Have they begun to worry too much about having the most popular comic strips and the most complete sports pages, and too little about keeping their readers interested in, and informed about, the important problems of the day?"

The author is William Lawrence Shirer (February 23, 1904 – December 28, 1993) an American journalist and war correspondent. The book is Mid-century Journey, published in 1952. Next time you hear some libtard preach about "safe spaces", read them the quote from the Dean Bender. It seems there are no more Dean Benders at Harvard or any of America's other institutions of higher learning, but that just shows you how the left has taken control not just of our media, but also our educational system [Is dis a system? Ed.] and virtually every aspect of our daily lives.

Misogyny and homophobia is OK... but only if you're Muslim

Ed. here. Walt is still under the weather and Poor Len has his mind on other things (read: hockey) so to reward our faithful readers for visiting WWW today, I've found a good cartoon which points out the double standard of our media and politicians regarding the recent unpleasantness in Christchurch.

See yesterday's post's footnotes for more comments.

Speaking of New Zealand and the NZ Prime Minister's (I won't give her publicity by using her name) being over backwards (not frontwards) to be nice to Muslims, check out "Troubling signs New Zealand shooting is being used to turn my country into Islamic State". on Lifesite News 21/3/19. This pretty well sums it up.

Footnote: Mueller Report... I know... Unlike the lamestream media, Walt won't comment until after news (if any) is reported.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Where's Walto (again)?

Ed. here. Walt is ill. I have asked Poor Len Canayen if he could write about something other than hockey and our beloved Habs (4-0 victors over New York Islanders last night), and he says he will think about it and get back to me.

All I've heard from Walt is that he thinks the New Zealand and international politicians and media have gone over the top... WAY over... in their response to the Christchurch mosque shooting. Non-Muslim female cops and politicians wearing headscarves. Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules banned by NZ booksellers. Yet we hear nothing about the 1000s of Christians killed by Muslims in places like Nigeria, the Netherlands, you name it... Having said that, Walt went back to sleep.

Footnote: In Montréal this morning (Poor Len writes), Father Claude Grou, recot of Saint Joseph's Oratory, was stabbed during Mass. He was lightly injured on his upper body, according to the director of communications for the Oratory. A suspect -- a man with a beard -- was taken into custody and will be interviewed by investigators later today, she said. No word on the ethnicity or religion of the attacker. If shouts of "Allahu akbar!" were heard, the Canuck media aren't saying.

Footnote to the footnote: You think I'm jumping to conclusions there? You don't think a Muslim would attach a priest saying mass? Cast your mind back to July of 2016 when Father Jacques Hamel was attacked and killed by two Muslim fanatics while saying Mass in the parish of Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, France. The two Islamic extremists had pledged allegiance to ISIS and thought murdering a priest would be a good way to show their devotion to the Prophet.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

UPDATED: Iraq at Sweet (?) Sixteen - Why are we still there?

UPDATED ADDED 25/3/19 - This comes under the heading of "Further reading", but I just became aware of it this afternoon. Click here to read a transcript of Dr Ron Paul's speech to Congress opposing the authorization of military force against Iraq. If only they'd have listened!

Today is the 16th anniversary of the American-led invasion of Iraq, which resulted in the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and then... chaos. The Paranoid States of America and its "Coalition of the Willing" involved themselves in the endless Muslim civil war -- a four-cornered one featuring Sunni Muslims vs Shia Muslims vs ISIS vs Kurds -- and there we are, still... 16 years later, after the expenditure of trillions of dollars (literally) and the loss of 1000s of lives of American and other Westerns. 16 years...

Is there any sign of the conflict in Iraq ending? NO! POTUS and our top military people tell us ISIS is "just about" defeated, reduced to a few hundred jihadis encircled in a shithole somewhere in Syria. Once they surrender, we can declare victory... again... and go home. Errr, not the part about going home. There will be a drawdown of some of the US personnel, sometime, but there will be a US presence in Iraq for the foreseeable future. Why? Because there is still a power vacuum, with no united and effective national government in place. And because ISIS has not been vanquished, but is merely going to ground. They will resurface at opportune times, whether in Iraq or Syria... or the Netherlands... or the USA!

I said "American-led" in the first sentence to emphasize that the US is not alone! In 2003, America's gallant ally, Canada, decided to take a pass on Iraq. Apparently the Liberal government of Jean Chrétien asked itself what the point of the mission was, and decided discretion was the better part of valour. A couple of years later, to repair relations with their disgruntled neighbours, the Canucks joined in the invasion of Afghanistan. After 160 troops lost their lives, the Canadians pulled out, leaving the US holding the Afghan bag.

But that was OK (they said) because they'd changed their mind and would send a token force to Iraq instead, to help with training and, like, you know... anything that didn't involve more body bags being repatriated. No more motorcades along the "Highway of Heroes", please! And more than a decade later, the Canucks are still there, working with the American forces to bring peace, order and good government to the shithole that is Iraq. Isn't that wonderful?

How appropriate, then, that Canuck Defence Minister Harjit Singh Sajjan (a Sikh person) and Diplomat of the Year (2018 -- look it up) Chrystia Freeland (the one not wearing a turban) picked yesterday to announce that Canadian armed forces, almost 200 strong (!), will stay in Iraq for another two years... like it or not. That should come as a great relief to the US military. What would the "Coalition of the Willing" be without Canadians?! What do Canadian voters think of this exercise in peacekeeping and nation-building, and other initiatives of Just In Trudeau's Gliberal government? We'll see in October.

Further reading
: The Assassins' Gate: America in Iraq, by George Packer. Farrar Strauss & Giroux, New York, 2005. Mr Packer's thesis is that President Bush II and his advisers (Hello! Messrs Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz) had no idea what they were getting into when they pressed ahead with the invasion of Iraq even though Saddam posed no threat to the USA or even his Gulf neighbours, and no plan whatever for stabilizing and rebuilding the shithole once the invasion was over. And remember, he wrote this book in 2005. Things only got worse after that. Where and when will it all end?!

Monday, March 18, 2019

VIDEO: Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson speaks up for school dress codes

During the run up to the recent by-election in the Canadian electoral district of Burnaby South (BC), Walt reposted some videos featuring Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, the candidate for the People's Party of Canada. See "People's Party candidate kills at Burnaby South debate", WWW 16/2/19, "PPC's Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson and NDP's Sikh leader in heated debate on immigration and 'racism'", WWW 22/2/19, and "LLTT tells why she ran for the People's Party of Canada", WWW 26/2/19.

Ms Tyler Thompson did pretty well in her first run for a brand new party of the right, finishing a respectable fourth. People voted for her because of her strong public positions against abortion and in favour of Christian values. Good for her! And I'm so happy to see that she hasn't retired from the field, or biding her time until the general election due in October. No. She's back on the video stump, speaking out on an issue which is dividing communities in the BC community of Chilliwack (as well as the rest of Canada and the USA).

The issue is that of whether schools should have dress codes which require students (read: girls) to dress with respect for modesty and decency, rather than the slutty look encouraged by the lamestream media and the wimmin's lib crowd. The issue was debated recently by Chilliwack school trustees. The local CTV outlet covered the debate, giving it the usual "progressive" slant. LLTT found the CTV report and the debate itself shocking, and decided to put her comments together with several clips from the debate to make her point.

Ms Tyler Thompson characterizes the actions and perspectives of the "pro-removal of dress code" trustees and BC Teachers Federation President Glen Hansman, "extremely creepy and dangerous!" She accuses them of wanting to bring in the SOGI agenda: a sex-positive culture where social norms, values and morals don't exist. Those who promote this new agenda want to remove a dress code that protects young women from harassment and being objectified. They want to bring in a policy that makes it perfectly acceptable to allow teenagers' bra straps, cleavage, short shorts and their underwear to be showing.

In this video, LLTT calls it "very disturbing and sick" for an adult female (Board Vice-Chair, Willow Reichelt) and her male colleagues to be pushing for the removal of all semblance of modesty, appropriate attire and protection for young vulnerable women. She calls this incessant push to make what's right wrong, and what's wrong right, "social terrorism". Good phrase, that.

I like the way Ms Tyler Thompson ends this commentary. She reminds Canadians -- and not only Canadians -- that in an election year they should vote for those who stand for "justice, truth, integrity, values and principles." And, she concludes, "God help us all!" Amen.

UPDATE on Utrecht massacre: suspicions confirmed!

Walt is sorry, but not surprised, to have to close the betting on the ethnicity and religion of the gunman who murdered three innocent people and wounded at least nine more earlier today in Utrecht, Netherlands. See my first post below for my prediction. If you lost, just send your money by PayPal.

Yes, the Dutch politie (= police) have identified the suspect, who is still at large, as 37-year-old Gökman Tanis, who they say was born in Turkey. Nothing yet about his status in Turkey -- citizen or refugee/asylum-seeker -- or his religion. I suppose it's possible that Mr Tanis is a Turkish Christian -- modern-day Turkey was the location of many of the earliest Christian churches -- fleeing persecution by the quasi-Islamist Turkish government. If anyone wants to bet that way, I'll take the other side of the coin and bet that Mr Tanis is a follower of the Prophet Mohammed.

As to his motivation, don't be surprised if, when [if? Ed.] he's arrested, Mr Tanis says he was avenging the deaths of the Muslims killed in Christchurch, New Zealand, on the weekend. Do be surprised if the lamestream meeja call the Utrecht massacre an act of "Islamic terrorism". It is now absolutely forbidden to suggest that fanatical Muslims could be responsible for any of the 1000s of murders of non-Muslims in the Middle East, Europe, and the ROTW.

Walt notes with disgust the leaders of the Western world falling all over themselves to condemn racism, Islamophobia, white supremacy, yada yada yada, following the Christchurch massacre, and of course sending the customary thoughts and prayers, yada yada yada, to the survivors, their families, and Muslims everywhere. How about some of the same for the survivors and families of those killed or wounded in Utrecht today? Don't hold your breath because, after all, they weren't Muslims.

Revenge of the Muslims? Mass shooting on tram in Netherlands

CAVEAT! This is a breaking story. I'm trying not to jump to any conclusions here, just presenting the facts as known so far.

The small Dutch city of Utrecht, about 30 miles south of Amsterdam, was the scene of a terrorist attack this morning. Three people were killed and at least nine injured when a shooter opened fire inside a public tram (= steetcar/trolley, for our North American readers). A spokesthingy for the police told the meeja, "Several shots were fired in a tram and several people were injured. Helicopters are at the scene and no arrests have been made." He said nothing about the severity of the injuries or the status of the shooter.

Another spokesthingy said the suspect could have left the scene by car, and did not rule out the possibility that more than one person was involved. The shooter is still at large and there are reports of other shootings. So far there are no reports of anyone yelling "Allahu akbar!", but police say they are "considering" terrorism as a motive, and officials raised the region's threat level to "5" -- the highest.

Security was reportedly stepped up at mosques in the province as well, as the shooting comes only four days after mass shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. That shooting was deemed a terrorist attack and the suspected shooter -- a white Australian -- allegedly posted a manifesto espousing anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant views. See "Walt explains motive for the New Zealand attacks on Muslims", WWW 15/3/19.

I think it's highly unlikely that the shooter in today's terrorist attack -- it's not too soon to use that phrase -- will turn out to be a white Australian, or a white anything-else. It's more likely, IMHO, that he will be a follower of the Prophet, a Muslim refugee or immigrant (of which the Netherlands has more than enough) intent on avenging the 50 Muslim refugees and asylum-seekers killed in NZ. I'll take bets on this one. Lifetime pct .991.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

VIDEO: NZ massacre Chelsea Clinton's fault? WTF?

Friday's attack on Muslim worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand has been followed, naturally, by expressions of grief and sympathy from Muslims and non-Muslims all over the world, including the now-obligatory vigils where people light candles and leave mounds of flowers and teddy bears in the streets. One such vigil was held at New York University last night.

Among those attending was Chelsea Clinton, the likely daughter of Slick Willy and Hellery, who would probably be throwing her hat in the Democratic ring along with scores of other chapeaux were it not for the fact that she's expecting her third child sometime this summer. It's good Chelsea isn't running for anything because, it turns, out the AOC wing of her own party is holding her and her parents responsible for the attack.

In this clip, you can hear NYU senior Leen Dweik (clad in a Bernie Sanders t-shirt) castigating Ms Clinton for "stoking" the hatred behind the NZ shootings! "This right here is the result of a massacre stoked by people like you and the words that you put out into the world," says Ms Dweik, gesturing to the vigil.

Ms Clinton, having studied at the Just In Trudeau School of Apologetics, replies, "I'm so sorry you feel that way." Someone else in the small crowd jumps in with, "What does 'I'm sorry you feel that way' mean? What does that mean?".

Walt asks, what indeed?! I have no love or even liking for any of the Clinton ilk, but I have to ask WTF Chelsea Clinton has to do with this? (Other than trying to get a little publicity by tearing up over this dreadful example of racism, white supremacy, yada yada yada, I mean.) According to the New York Post, the answer is supplied by Rose Asaf, who posted the video and tweeted, "People haven't forgotten the Islamophobic mob she incited against @IlhanMN. There is no sense of responsibility."

She was apparently referring to Ms Clinton's blasting of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), saying she (Omar) used "anti-Semitic language" when she criticized Israel. Back in February, Ms Clinton tweeted, "We should expect all elected officials, regardless of party, and all public figures to not traffic in anti-Semitism." So that explains it, then.

Footnote: Ms Dweik, Ms Asaf and Ms Omar are all good Arab-Americans and followers of the Prophet. Ms Clinton is neither.

Saint Patrick's Day - Up the Irish!

30 January 1972 is known now and forever in Derry as Bloody Sunday, the day when 13 innocent Irish people were killed while participating in a civil rights march. They were killed by British soldiers. Or maybe just one (1) British soldier, according to the UK Public Prosecution Service. For that's the total number charged with murder. ONE.

The charge against the murderer, known only as "Soldier F", was laid just this week, more than 47 years after the fact. The former paratrooper was not named because all military witnesses were granted anonymity by the Saville Inquiry into the circumstances around the killings. The PPS said there was enough evidence to prosecute Soldier F for the murders of James Wray and William McKinney... only those two, out of 13 dead. He also faces charges for the attempted murders of Patrick O'Donnell, Joseph Friel, Joe Mahon and Michael Quinn. There was "insufficient evidence", PPS said, to prosecute 16 other soldiers. Hardly surprising, after nearly half a century.

The sole prosecution is seen as a terrible disappointment by some of the families of the 13 people killed. James Wray's brother Liam told the BBC he was "very saddened for the other families" of those killed on Bloody Sunday. "Their hearts must be broken," he said. "It has been a sad day but the Wray family are relieved." But, he added, "There are a lot of sad and heartbroken people today."

To all the Irish -- including those who identify as Irish, those who feel like they're Irish, and those who wish they were Irish [and who doesn't?! Ed.] -- wherever they are -- in Derry, Sligo, Coleraine, Tullamore, Adjala Township and/or south Boston -- HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY TO YEZ, and don't rest until Ireland is united for the Irish!

Recommended reading: na Gopaleen, Myles (pseudonym of Flann O'Brien): The Best of Myles, Picador 1977. In particular, Walt likes the chapters titled "The Brother" (how could yez not laugh?) and "The Plain People of Ireland".

Some will say that the Eire of today is not the Ireland of Mr O'Brien's time. Many denizens of the auld sod won't be able to read the parts written in Irish Gaelic. [Faith now, I can't read it meself! Ed.] But the Irish are still the Irish, even if they live in a part of Ireland separated from the rest by the foreign (read: English) oppressors. God bless all of them, and haste the day that the Six Counties will be reunited with the rest of the country.

Friday, March 15, 2019

VIDEO: Remembering Mac Wiseman, RIP

As I've said before, it takes awhile for news to get to this corner of the forest. Some news I wish would never arrive, such as the death of old friends or people who I surely would have been friends with, if I'd ever met them. One of the latter was Malcolm Bell "Mac" Wiseman, who passed away on February 24th, at the ripe old age of 93.

Mac Wiseman was a justly famous bluegrass singer, from Virginia. His musical career began as upright bass player in the Cumberland Mountain Folks, the band of country singer Molly O'Day. When Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs left Bill Monroe's band, Mac became the guitarist for their new band, the Foggy Mountain Boys. Later on, he played with Bill Monroe's Bluegrass Boys.

In 1951, his first solo single, "`Tis Sweet to Be Remembered", was released. According to Rolling Stone this song "catapulted him to solo stardom." It was the theme of his late-night radio program on WWVA "Clear Channel 1170 in Wheeling, West Virginia", back in the 60s. (The show was often hosted by yer coffee-drinkin' buddy Lee Moore.) Agent 6, who knew me when, may remember that I liked to climb into my car late at night and head for the hills north of our town, where the radio reception was better, just to listen to all the wonderful music on Mac's show.

There are many recordings of "`Tis Sweet to Be Remembered" on YouTube. My favourite is this one, recorded in front of a live audience, probably in the late 90s. Mac passed away on February 24th, 2019. I remember you, Mac. RIP.

UPDATED 1/4/19: Since posting this, Walt's attention has been drawn to an interview Mac Wiseman did with Hee Haw's Archie Campbell on Yesteryear in Nashville, a show that aired on TNN, in 1983. Click here to see and hear it.

VIDEO: "Catholic Church corrupt from top to bottom!" sez Michael Matt

It's been awhile since we reposted a video featuring Michael J. Matt, the editor of The Remnant Newspaper. In this video, Mr Matt wishes all Catholics a "miserable Lent", because that's what Lent is all about -- sorrow and repentance -- and in this year of Our Lord 2019 we have a lot to be miserable about!

Mr Matt goes through a long an dirty laundry list of the sins of "modern Catholics", including many leaders of the Church, and points out how far the Church has fallen, in public opinion and in fact, since the Second Vatican Council, which some now call an "anti-council". Some of the worst pro-abort politicians in the world are Vatican II Catholics. And now that the neo-Catholic compromise has failed to appease the world -- with Cardinal Pell and other shepherds off to jail -- Mr Matt contends that we are in the last days of the Modernist Revolution in the Church, and that the only hope of the world is the traditional Catholic restoration.

But wait, there's more. Addressing the revisionist historians who say that the priesthood has always been corrupt, Mr Matt takes a walk down movie memory lane to put the lie the Catholic-bashing claim that "it's always been this way." And, finally, he points out how the Modernist regime is intentionally destroying the old Catholic Church -- the Church that built the greatest civilization in history -- on purpose in order to make room for the New World Order. Agent 17, this is for you!

Michael Matt and his helpers post these talks on YouTube to encourage you to visit and subscribe to their excellent newspaper. Click here to take a look at The Remnant Newspaper. If, as Walt recommends, you subscribe to the newspaper and/or the Remnant TV YouTube channel, be sure to tell them Walt sent you. God bless you, and have a miserable Lent!

Walt explains motive for the New Zealand attacks on Muslims

New Zealand! Whoda thunk it? Check any list of World's Most Boring Countries and you'll find New Zealand right up there in the top three with places like Canada and Norway. Nothing ever happened in New Zealand, until yesterday. And then...

In the NZ city of Christchurch, at least three white people, one of them an Australian, staged attacks on two mosques during Friday prayers, killing 49 Muslims and wounding nearly two dozen more. At least one of the attacks was live-streamed on social media. The Authorities, normally reluctant to characterize such occurrences when shouts of "Allahu akbar!" are heard, were quick to denounce yesterday's attacks as "right-wing extremist terrorism".

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described the "incident" as "one of New Zealand's darkest days." Clichés about "thoughts and prayers" were immediately uttered by Paragons of Virtue (TM) around the world, including even President Trump. Police have asked mosques across the island nation to close, as a precautionary measure.

Three suspects are in custody, according to Inspector Knacker. One of them -- the Australian -- has been charged with murder. Now it's time to ask the Big Question: Why did they do it? Is it simple Islamophobia -- fear and loathing of Islam and followers of the Prophet? Walt thinks there's more to it... and, at the same time, less.

What we are seeing, today in New Zealand previously in Québec and other Western countries, is the extreme expression of anti-immigrant backlash. It didn't have to be Muslim immigrants. It could have been Hindus (like the Sri Lankan Tamils) or Christians (like the mostly Catholic Venezuelans who are flooding into Colombia) or Jews (like the so-called "black Jews" who are migrating from Africa to their "homeland" in Israel).

People who are the majority population of any country don't like the feeling of being invaded by hordes of aliens from shitholes, particularly when those aliens seem intent on bring their shit -- shit culture, shit habits, shit work ethic, etc -- with them.

Think, for example, about Sharia law -- the Islamic "justice" that punishes adultery by stoning and homosexuality by castration or even execution. Think about the Islamic culture that not only allows but encourages husbands and fathers to murder their wives and daughters for bringing dishonour on the family, e.g. by wearing blue jeans or not wearing Islamic head-covers. It's not hard to understand why citizens of Western countries say, "If you want to live in a place where those customs are normal, why don't you go back where you came from?!"

I don't condone the killing of innocent people, no matter whether it's four dozen Muslims or the 1000s of Christians killed by Islamic jihadists in the Middle East as well as Europe and countries of the West. But I do understand where the killers are coming from, so to speak.

What I don't understand is why hordes of Muslims are flooding into New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA. I mean... I understand it in the sense of, if I lived in a shithole like Pakistan, I'd try to worm my way into the USA too, especially if I didn't have to give up my religion and way of life.

But I don't understand why people would go where they are obviously not welcome. The signs, like the one illustrating this post, are there to be seen. Maybe attacks like yesterday's are just some misguided people's way of making the message even more plain.

Footnote: Seems I'm not the only one who had these thoughts. Today's Telegraph quotes Australian senator Fraser Anning as blaming the Christchurch terror attack on the "increasing Muslim presence" in Australia and New Zealand. "I am utterly opposed to any form of violence within our community, and I totally condemn the actions of the gunman," he said. "However, while this kind of violent vigilantism can never be justified, what it highlights is the growing fear within our community, both in Australia and New Zealand, of the increasing Muslim presence. The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place."

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Beauty pageant for unwed "natural born women" ONLY! Fancy that!

Yes, dear readers, it's the Miss Marijuana Beauty Pageant, now accepting applications. They're looking for "the type of girl all the guys want, and all the girls want to be friends with", like the shining example pictured at right. But here's the thing. If you're a wrinkly (over 30) or married or a member of the "transgendered community", don't waste your time filling in the app. You're disqualified! Only "unwed" and "natural born" females between the ages of 18 and 30 are eligible.

If accepted, contestants will upload a profile on which the public -- or at least those interested in marijuana and beautiful women -- will vote. Voters will narrow the field down to 53 women, one for each state plus one for Canada. Hardly seems fair, considering that MJ is illegal in most states but legal in all ten Canadian provinces and three territories!

Online polling will take place for six or seven weeks, after which the finalists will go to the in-person [in-the-flesh? Ed.] contest in Las Vegas... of course. The finale will include a "personal interview question" [such as? Ed.] and two struts down the catwalk -- once in a bathing suit and once in a gownless evening strap.

Winner gets the coveted Miss Marijuana title and the crown to go with it, plus 25 large, plus a car, although what kind of car hasn't been specified. Something made in Mexico, perhaps. The pageant's founder, Howard the Bear [Ed., please check spelling. It says "Baer" here but I think that's a mistake.] told the Georgia Straight, "It'll be a fashion show, it'll be a concert -- lotta fun... I hope!"

Mr Baer [Bear?] says the pageant has so far attracted over 5200 would-be contestants. He adds, "We have so many signed up from Canada that it looks like we may have to break it up into provinces. Originally, we were going to do it just as one, but we have over 500 from there now." He did not say whether Canuck prime minister, noted for being both a feminist and a sometime smoker, was promoting the contest up there in the Great No-longer-white North.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

VIDEO: Carey Price sets record for most wins by Habs goalie

Poor Len, again. [Hey, that rhymes! Ed.] I'm pleased to report that les Glorieux -- the Montréal Canadiens -- won last night's game against the Detroit Red Wings by a score of 3-1.

The win was important as the Habs fight to make it into the Eastern Division playoffs. See yesterday's post, below. More noteworthy, though, is the fact that this was Price's 315th victory wearing the bleu-blanc-et-rouge colours of la Sainte Flannelle. That makes him the winningest Habs goalie of all time, with 315 victories, one more than the legendary Jacques Plante. Third and fourth on the list are Patrick Roy and Ken Dryden. To appreciate Price's skill check out the spectacular save at 1:30 of this highlight reel.

Now we have the reality check. Columbus also won their game last night, so remain in the second and last wild card spot for the Eastern Division playoffs. They are tied with the Habs for the number of points, but are ahead by virtue of having a better won-loss record. The Canadiens will need to play like this for every one of their 12 remaining games to avoid hitting the golf course in April.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Can the Habs make the NHL playoffs? On sait jamais...

Ed. here. Walt is still feeling below par so has suggested I turn this space over to our National Sports Editor, Poor Len Canayen, for a prediction on the likelihood of the Montréal Canadiens squeaking into a wild card spot in the National Hockey League Eastern Conference playoffs. Over to you, Len!

Tank youse, Hed.! Honestly I can't answer that question or make a prediction that I'd back with real money -- the green-coloured kind. Seems like only yesterday [It was two months ago! Ed.] that I wrote, in my mid-season report on the Canadiens, "Les Canadiens seront là!", meaning that at playoff time, they'd be there! Now I'm not so sure.

Back then, in the middle of a hard winter, les Glorieux were doing better than expected, fighting it out with Boston for third place in the Atlantic Division. For about half an hour, one night, they were actually in second, just ahead of the Toronto Maple Laffs, who hadn't finished their game that night. Almost everyone was healthy, and (With a couple of exceptions -- Hello, Artturi Lehkonen!), everyone was playing well. In fact, the team was doing better than anyone expected at the start of the season, and the question was: Is this real? When will they come down to earth? [That's two questions. Ed.]

Sadly, the answer was: In February. The cruelest month was just that for the Habs. The team's star defenceman, Captain Shea Weber, has slowed down, not just in his skating but in his thinking, according to what I see. Perhaps he's playing hurt, but his scoring has dropped off -- the booming blast from the point isn't there lately -- and he's been guilty of some lapses which have cost goals and games. Who else is playing defence still varies from night to night. Victor Mete seems confirmed as Weber's partner, but has yet to score his first goal. Christian Folin, acquired just before the trade deadline, brings to four the number of D-men who are good, but not great. Claude Julien needs to settle on three solid pairs who can be counted on to give the goalies [Is there more than one? Ed.] physical as well as moral support, every night. When a team loses 8-2, as the Habs did on Friday, you can't put it all on the goalie.

Which brings us to Carey Price. Yep, he's the one who had to tough out the last game of last week's disastrous journey through LaLaLand, but honestly, he didn't play that badly. In fact his record since the beginning of January has been pretty good -- not world's-best-goalie numbers, but more than respectable, and he did steal a couple of games for la Sainte Flannelle. Not so for his backup, Antti Niemi. The aged Finn has one great game in mid-January, which I celebrated in "Poor Len Canayen apologizes to Antti-hero", WWW 16/1/19. It was my hope, then, that Niemi would be able to start 10 or 20 percent of the remaining games, to give Price a rest so he (Price) would be in good shape for the playoffs. I was wrong.

In his last couple of outings, Niemi has looked shakey, and that's putting it charitably. True, he didn't get a lot of held from the defence, but he's clearly snake-bit, expecting to fail and succeeding. Out of the 61 goalies who have started more than 15 games in the NHL, Niemi ranks second-last in GAA and dead last in save percentage. So he's toast, and Charlie Lindgren has been called up from Laval. Don't count on Lindgren turning out to be this generation's Ken Dryden. I have said before that Lindgren is too "hot" in net, a stark contrast with Price, who is cool as the Chicoutimi Cucumber. (Look it up.) That's what wins games. Sorry.

Then there are the forwards, the guys you count on to score goals, lots of goals. Sometimes they do -- 8-1 vs Detroit a couple of weeks ago -- and sometimes they don't, as in last Friday's debacle. The Habs have have the talent and the depth, with three 20+ goal-getters, and eight more at 10-19. But there are still too many -- three is too many! -- who are just along for the ride, and either can't or won't score. I refer to Jonathan Drouin, who seems not to care enough to show up, a lot of the time, and Artturi Lehkonen and Charles Hudon, who are choke artists supreme. In "If I were Marc Bergevin...", WWW 28/1/19, I suggested trading those guys for somebody, anybody, who could be counted on to play hard and put one in the back of the neck from time to time. M Bergevin did get some new faces, but the less-than-productive trio are still there. The only solution now, IMHO, if for M Julien to let them warm the end of the bench and give more time to proven scorers and playmakers. Selah.

[So what about a prediction? Ed.] Hokay, hokay... There are 13 games left in the regular season, beginning with Detroit visiting le Centre Bell tonight. IF Shea Weber can up his game, and the right partners be found for Jordie Benn and Jeff Petry... IF Charlie Lindgren can calm down sufficiently to be a reliable backstop for Carey Price... and IF the fourth-line guys can start producing... THEN the Habs will make the playoffs, in the first or second wild card spot. Of course it would help if Pittsburgh, Columbus and Carolina would hit and end-of-season skid. I'm not betting more than 5 beaverbucks ($3.75 in real money). You, dear reader, can do what you like.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Where's Walto?

Ed. here. Walt is recovering from minor surgery -- having his attitude adjusted, I believe -- and will return within the next 48 hours.

Meanwhile, for our Canadian readers...

Scraped from Blazing Cat Fur. Thank you.

Friday, March 8, 2019

On this special day, Walt salutes wimmin!

Mrs Walt (who prefers "Mrs" to "Ms") reminds me that today is International Women's Day, or, as the ultra-PC spelling has it, "Wimmin's Day". That's great. I love women... much better than the alternatives. [Trannies? Sheep? Ed.] To prove it, I am happy to feature a fetching photo of Copper Wimmin, "three obstreperous young women ["wimmin"! Ed.] who set audiences on fire with their brilliant lyrics, haunting voices and fierce harmonies."

That description may have been taken from the cover of one of their CS, called "Womyn". Thought you'd like to see the cover art.

Thus endeth Walt's Salute to Wimmin. You're welcome.

Endnote: Readers who like both wimmin and bikes won't want to miss a series of photo images called "Wimmin on bikes". Click here to see #447. You're welcome (again).

Thursday, March 7, 2019

VIDEO: Alex Trebek reveals battle with pancreatic cancer

Canadians are rightly proud of Alex Trebek, the host of the US-produced quiz show, Jeopardy!, since 1984. He doesn't make a big deal out of being a Cancuck from the hard-bitten mining town of Sudbury ON, but, unlike some frostbacks who've made it big in Tinseltown, he doesn't hide it either. His erudite but mild-mannered and wholesome persona has won him won him respect wherever the show is seen.

In his native land, he consistently ranks in near the top of "10 Most Trusted Canadians" polls. He was awarded the Order of Canada in 2017 and got his place on the Canadian Walk of Fame in 2006. South of the world's longest undefended border (TM) he has won five Emmy awards and earned the Daytime Emmy Awards' Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011.

Yesterday, following his principles of openness and honesty, he made a sad announcement on Jeopardy's YouTube channel. Here it is.

Stage 4 is the final stage of pancreatic cancer and generally means the disease has spread to other parts of the body, typically the liver, lungs or bones. According to the American Cancer Society, the five-year survival rate for Stage 4 pancreatic cancer is just three per cent. But M Trebek vowed that he's going to fight it! In the video he says, "With the love and support of my family and friends and with the help of your prayers also, I plan to beat the low survival rate statistics for this disease."

Besides, the 78-year-old quipped, he has to remain host of Jeopardy! for some time yet, because his new contract, signed in October, requires him to continue his role until 2022!

Walt, who regularly watches Jeopardy! to yell answers at his TV set [and to berate the contestants for their ignorance -- I've seen you! Ed.] wishes Alex many more years!

Footnote: Before finding fame and fortune in Hollywood, M Trebek worked for the Canadian Broadcorping Castration. One of his duties, in the late sixties, was to host a high school quiz show called Reach for the Top. It and he were parodied more than once on the award-winning Canadian sketch comedy show SCTV. Here's a sample, featuring Eugene Levy as "Alek", with contestants including the late John Candy, Dave Thomas, Andrea Martin, Catherine O'Hara, Rick Moranis, Joe Flaherty and the late John Candy -- all of them Canucks except for the Yankee Flaherty who later became an honorary frostback, kind of... eh.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Seriously, then! VIDEO: Prayers for a Church in dire need

I had thought... hoped... that readers would recognize last night's post as satire... not to be taken seriously. I was just pointing to a major problem -- not the only one -- in the modern Roman Catholic Church. The Church is in crisis, and I recognize that's not a laughing matter. For traditional Catholics, like myself, it is a matter for intense and continual prayer. In this video, Father Michael Rodriguez recites a series of prayers asking Almighty God and His Blessed Mother to protect His Church from the evils now besetting Her, without and within.

Further reading: Father Michael Rodriguez is a priest in good standing in the Diocese of El Paso. To find out more about him and the traditional Catholic Faith for which he stands and prays, click here.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Notice to Catholics: Revision to Ash Wednesday rite

The following Notice to the Faithful has been received from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (Latin: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum), the congregation of the Roman Curia that handles most affairs relating to liturgical practices of the Latin Church as distinct from the Eastern Catholic Churches.

In keeping with the spirit of Vatican II, and mindful of the admonitions of the Holy Father, Pope Francis the Humble, to last month's Meeting on the Protection of Minors in the Church (Italian: Incontro su La Protezione dei Minori nella Chiesa), the ritual for Ash Wednesday has been revised as follows:

As the celebrant marks the sign of the cross
on the head of each penitent, he shall say

"Turn away from sin and turn back to the Gospel"
to which the penitent shall answer

"You first!"

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Right-wing populism on the march: today Estonia, tomorrow ???

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are three countries on the Baltic Sea that no-one has ever heard of who is not from there or has family there. For most of their recent history they have, against their will, been part of some other country: Poland, Russia/USSR, or sometimes each other.

They were independent between 1918 and 1941, then had to spend a half-century under the heel of the Soviet Union before being let loose on the fall of Communism. Then they were welcomed into the European Union, only to discover that they exchanged dictatorship from Moscow for dictatorship from Brussels.

The example of Brexit seems to have woken up the Estonians, if not the others, to the possibility that if they had a new government -- of the right rather than the usual centrist coalitions -- they might just be able to get out of the EU, to mount an "Estxit", if you will. A referendum on whether to stay or go was one of the campaign promises of Estonia's right-wing Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE), which came close to a major upset in today's parliamentary elections.

First place went to the centre-right Reform Party, led by Kaja Kallas, who is on track to become Estonia's first female prime minister. The Reformers got 28.8% of the vote, upsetting the ruling Centre Party (centre-left, in reality, like Canada's Liberals) who got 23%. The EKRE more than doubled their share of the popular vote, finishing with 17.8%, good for third place.

As in the USA, the lamestream media and pollsters were surprised and embarrassed by the surge of the EKRE, who capitalized on growing anti-immigrant sentiment and concerns that the tiny nation (pop. 1.3 million) could be swallowed up by a federalised EU.

Today's Telegraph quotes a 65-year-old voter from Tartu, Estonia's second-largest city, as saying he voted for EKRE over fears that the country was losing its identity. "The EU has forced quotas on us, to attract thousands of migrants. Members of our parliament just push buttons, rubber stamping all the laws that come out of Brussels. I voted EKRE because they stand for the preservation of our nation, and our Estonian culture and language."

The success of the EKRE mirrors that of right-wing, populist parties throughout the length and breadth of Europe, not to mention the Excited States of America where liberals are whistling past the graveyard more loudly than ever these days. Last week, a torch-lit march through the Estonia capital, Tallinn, drew some 10,000 patriots in a spectacle which the Telegraph says "bore a striking resemblance to the Unite the Right 'Tiki torch' marches held by Trump supporters in Charlottesville in 2017."

The rise in support for EKRE is sweeping away smaller parties that traditionally make up a centrist coalition in many European countries. The Telegraph quotes Dr Allan Sikk [sic] of the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies as saying "uneasy bedfellows" from across the political spectrum may need to work together in order to keep EKRE out of power, just as they kept Marine Le Pen's Front National out of power in France.

Ms Kallas is going to face difficult negotiations to form a ruling coalition, particularly if she tries to do so without the EKRE. The other Estonian parties have ruled out any sort of coalition with the EKRE. Ms Kallas says everything is on the table, including a possible deal to give the EKRE a seat at the cabinet table. Today Estonia. Tomorrow? Stay tuned!

Memo to Mad Max Bernier, leader of the People's Party of Canada: Did you note the English translation of EKRE? Conservative People's Party of Estonia! Don't you think "Conservative People's Party" has a nice ring to it? It couldn't be confused with a left-wing "people's party", eh. Sounds right to me!

: Attractive blonde right-wing politicians, like Kaja Kallas and the PPC's Lauara-Lynn Tyler Thompson, seem to attract not just attention but votes! If I were a Republican [Aren't you? Ed.] I'd be encouraging Melania Trump to run against... ohhh... Nancy Pelosi or Fauxcahontas or Hellery... hell, any of those hagged-out liberal bitches. Get the male votes and forget about the wimmin!

Friday, March 1, 2019

"Vandalee Industries" at heart of multi-million dollar scam

Remember "Art Vandelay" and "Vandelay Industries", a fictional character and fictional business from a great episode of one of Walt's favourite sitcoms, Seinfeld? Of course you do. If not, this photo should jog your memory.

The name "Vandelay Industries" must have rung a bell in the mind of an investigator with the Canada Revenue Agency (Canuck version of the IRS) as he went through the handwritten expense claim submitted by a Nova Scotia company that claimed it had done C$117,850 in business with "Vandalee Industries". In a sworn affidavit, the snooper wrote, "Based on an internet search, and from my personal knowledge, I know that 'Vandelay Industries' is often a pop culture reference to a fictional company created in the television sitcom Seinfeld." (Walt wonders how much time the copper claimed to have put in doing the "internet search"!)

Based on the affidavit, the CRA got search warrants and production orders related to ten companies registered in Canada's Ocean Playground (TM). After following the paper trails, they charged three sisters and their mother with fraud offences totalling C$3.6 million ($2.7 mil in real money) related to GST/HST refunds.

For non-Canadian readers, Agent 3 explains that GST/HST is a kind of value-added tax. Sellers of goods and services are supposed to collect the tax on everything they sell and remit that to the federal and provincial governments. But they can deduct the GST/HST they've paid on inputs and operating expenses. If your business pays out more than it takes in, you can be entitled to a refund. And that's what the ladies -- not very good businesspeople -- did, making claims for large refunds, with their claims supported by a slew of fake invoices, expense reports and sales records.

Georgette Young, her sisters Angela MacDonald and Nadia Saker, and their mother, Lydia Saker, purported to be the proprietors of a group of companies engaged in publishing cookbooks, making salad dressing and wigs, catering and selling fur coats for kids. The ten companies under their control claimed to have done $56 million in sales out of a modest home in North Sydney NS, a small storefront in nearby Boularderie, a local farm, and a house in Kentville NS.

At least on paper, their sales were impressive, including 54,000 cookbooks in six months, hundreds of children's coats sold for a grand apiece, and half-million-dollar orders for frozen seafood lasagna, spaghetti and meatball dinners. All this, according to court records, even though the companies had no employees and, in some cases, didn't even have bank accounts.

Sadly, even though business was booming, the ladies failed to collect much of the GST/HST that was due, which led to their claiming large refunds. Before CRA auditors became suspicious, the companies got refunds totalling C$276,000. Claims of more than C$3 million were ultimately denied. In almost every case, CRA investigators said they couldn't find any trace of the stores or other enterprises the family companies were purported to have done business with. Even the addresses didn't appear to exist.

They included sales of C$400,000 to Upstairs Department Store, at 41 Hissiem Street in North Sydney. Apparently that's just up the road from Tycoon Book Distributors (C$433,125 in sales) and AMM Groceries (C$2,534,000 in sales). Quite something for a town with a population of just 5700 souls.

But what of "Vandalee Industries"? According to court records, that name was twice listed on an expense summary for Kishk Inc., a food company operated by Ms Young. The services provided? "Management, marketing and packaging". Investigators concluded that "the majority of these transactions are believed to be fictitious and included on the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax Returns in an attempt to obtain false refunds." DUH!

The ladeez are supposed to appear in a Sydney courtroom even as this is written. They each face ten counts of fraud, to which they have not yet entered pleas. We must therefore believe that they are innocent... until proven otherwise.

Peel Region (Canada) cops start anti-LGBT emergency response unit

The Regional Municipality of Peel, next urban sprawl west of Toronto, Canada, is a seriously screwed-up region. It consists of the Town of Caledon, which is more or less normal since it is mostly populated by rich white folks who own horses and vote for mildly conservative parties. The flatlands south of the Caledon Hills are divided into two large (for Canada) cities, Brampton and Mississauga.

The City of Brampton has been the subject of several posts on WWW. The population is about 40% black, 40% brown (Sikhs and other Indians) and maybe 20% who have not yet joined the legions of "white flees" who have moved further away from the Wormy Apple. The black folks don't vote since they're too busy appearing in court. The white folks don't vote because it won't make any difference. Why? Because the "south Asian community" -- Indians, Pakistanis, and a few Bengalis -- can be counted on to vote Liberal, resulting in the election of Sikh people like Raj Grewal, MP, mentioned here before.

The City of Mississauga is a little more diverse. There is a large South Asian community -- 95% Sikhs -- in what used to be called Malton, around YYZ (Pearson International Airport) where they are employed as baggage-wallahs and security guards. There is a vibrant Chinese community south of the 403 between Mavis and Creditview Roads. And there are some enclaves of well-to-do white people along the shore of Lake Ontario, in areas still known to oldies as Port Credit, Lorne Park and Clarkson. So, a mixed bag.

The diversity which Canuck Prime Minister Just In Trudeau claims makes Canuckistan strong also makes Brampton and (to a lesser extent) Mississauga, ghettos. Don't take Walt's word for it. Check out "Saying the unsayable about the unspeakable in Brampton, Canada" (WWW 25/4/14) and "Brampton a ghetto? How can they say that?" (WWW 13/6/16). It's all part of "The irreversible browning of Canada", (WWW 26/10/17).

Not all "old stock Canadians" are happy about that. Consequently, there's now a certain amount of what the Liberals call "hate crime", i.e. speaking the truth about the propensity of certain racial and ethnic groups to do things like hold up convenience stores or kill their women for the sake of "honour". M-103!

But the "victims of hate crime" are not just non-Christians of colour. Oh no. There's a lot of "hate" against the LGBTQ2Setc community. That group has grown exponentially since homosexuality became fashionable, not just in the Catholic Church but in society generally, thanks to the constant glorification of the gay "lifestyle" by the pro-queer government and media. Walt is shocked to learn that some Canadians, even in Brampton and Mississauga, think that there is something wrong ["queer"? Ed.] with the LGBTQ types, and that "gender fluidity" should not be promoted in schools. What's worse, these "homophobes" sometimes speak out publicly, going so far as to hold demonstrations in favour of old-fashioned Christian morality. The horror, the horror!!!

Any mention of the social and personal problems which go along with the gay lifestyle is now verboten, of course, because to speak (or even think) against "diversity" -- including "gender diversity" -- is hate crime. And you'd better believe, dear Canadian readers, that "haters" will be tracked down, prosecuted and punished! Unless, of course, they're preaching hate aqgainst straight white Christians. That's OK.

So keen are the minions of the law -- the Peel Regional Police -- on finding and arresting the "haters" that they have formed a special squad -- the Diversity Relations unit -- to respond immediately, in numbers and with force, to occurrences such as the shouting of the N-word outside a strip club (of which Brampton and Mississauga have many). They even have their own emergency vehicles, appropriately painted in rainbow stripes. I kid you not. Here's the photographic evidence.

It is to be noted that, through a quirk of history, the PRP does not police the mostly-white Town of Caledon, only the mostly-coloured Cities of Brampton and Mississauga. So if you're a resident of Caledon, you can speak your mouth with less fear than the million-plus to the south of you. If you live in the ghettos of Brampton and Mississauga, you can feel assured... and quietly proud... that the Peel Region Police Diversity Relations team has your back, or your backside, as the case may be.