Saturday, January 26, 2019

Liberal MP Raj Grewal confirms decision NOT to resign

Agent 3, who follows Canadian politics like a tort lawyer follows an ambulance, has sent us a short story from the Canadian Broadcorping Castration to the effect that Raj Grewal, Member of Parliament for Brampton East, has confirmed his tentative decision not to resign his seat, after first promising that he would resign to "focus on [his] mental health" and other personal problems, such as handling large sums of money. See "Told ya so! Grewal now says he will NOT resign", WWW 1/12/18.

As Walt told you, what the honourable Mr Grewal said in November was that his decision was tentative. He would have a good think over the Christmas break [Do Sikhs celebrate Christmas? Ed.] and let his anxious constituents (and financial advisors) know for sure in the new year. In a Facebook post yesterday evening (when everyone was conveniently looking at breaking news of an Islamic terrorist plot unfolding in Kingston ON), Mr Grewal said the last two months have been "a challenging time, but also a period of immense personal growth." He has since paid back his gambling debts, he said, and that every loan he took from family and friends to do so is transparent and traceable. Out of respect for his family and friends he provided no further details.

Mr Grewal has grown up sufficiently (he asserts) to be able to represent the interests of the good people of Brampton East and the state of Khalistan in the Canadian Parliament. He will therefore continue to sit in the House of Commons until the October general election, albeit as an independent MP, so as not to embarrass his good friend Mr Socks (the one on the left in the picture). Whether the Liberals will run a candidate -- with or without turban -- against him in October remains to be seen.

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