Saturday, May 4, 2013

Oil sheikhs will make Canada pay for supporting Israel, America

John Baird is a big, beefy, square-jawed, tough-talking bully boy. At least that's the image he projects. But the word around the world's second-coldest capital is that Johnny boy is as gay as 18 balloons. Still, if you're Prime Minister Harpoon, and you want a poster child for your new get-tough-with-the-Arabs / suck-up-to-the-Jews foreign policy, John's your, errr, man.

Ohhh yeah, Canada's fighting for freedom, right there on the front lines, alongside her erstwhile best friends, the Americans. When it comes to being ready to intervene in sandpits like Afghanistan, Libya and (maybe) Syria, the Canucks will gladly hold the American coat.

As for defending Israel against its numerous enemies, Israel has no better friend than Canada, says Foreign Minister Baird. Hey, Baird and his Bully-in-Chief Harper are even more pro-Israel than the Yanks. Let's not forget that Obama's middle name is "Hussein"!

And then there's the Disunited Nations. Historically Canada has been one of the biggest contributors (proportionally) to the funding of the UN, and involved in every peacekeeping mission from Korea through, errr, Somalia and Rwanda -- and look how successful those little interventions were. But no more.

After decades of toeing the liberal line about the sanctity, value and essential unimpeachability of the UN, the Harper government has finally said -- publicly -- that it's time for the West to stop kidding itself, and recognize the UN for the feckless, wasteful and corrupt talking shop that it really is. As well, the UN is anti-American and anti-Israeli too, therefore anti-Canada because "my friend's enemies are my enemies too".

Harper and Baird are actually quite right to be fed up with the UN, and the majority of Canadians -- outside of the Volvo liberals in Rosedale -- doubtless agree with the new policy. See "Baird's icy UN approach is just what many Canadians have ordered", by Michael Den Tandt in Canada's QMI papers.

But there are bound to be consequences. If you keep yanking the end of the turban, the turban-wearer is bound to notice and seek out a means of reprisal. Like blowing up a bridge linking Canada and the USA. Or something a little more diplomatic.

Which brings us to the International Civil Aviation Organization, the UN agency which sets international rules for airplane transportation. The ICAO has been headquartered in Montréal since 1947, and is the only United Nations organization to be based in Canada. Now, because of the Canucks' pro-Israel pro-America foreign policy [Is dis a policy? Ed.], the oily sheikhs have offered to build the ICAO a nice shiny new HQ building in... wait for it... Qatar.

Under its "new Harper government", Canada lost its last campaign for one of the non-permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council, which at one time was a sure thing. This year they're not even going to throw the red and white tuque in the ring. And now the ICAO may well take wings towards a sunnier and more neutral (?) site.

Well, that's the price you pay for friendship. If you lie down with dogs, you're bound to get up with fleas.

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